Who is Jesus? Chapter 6 Part One: "The birth of Jesus"
Who is Jesus? Chapter 6 Part One: "The birth of Jesus"
In our previous messages, we have taken into account where Jesus was in the beginning: He was in Spirit form with his Father God as they created the heavens and the earth with sound; the voice or the spoken word.
We also have viewed the
examples of a coming savior that were given to the Children of Israel
who ate manna the bread from heaven and that Jesus said He is the
bread from Heaven. God also gave the children of Israel water from a
rock, and Jesus is the Rock of our Salvation, from which we drink the
Living Water bringing us eternal life.
We viewed the Blood
Sacrifice that was necessary to take away sin. The Pass Over
Celebration was also brought to our attention as many lambs were
slain prior to the Death Angel coming to take the first born of man
and beast. The children of Israel were protected from the Angel of
death, as they followed the detailed instructions to sprinkle the
blood of the Lamb over their door and on the two side posts. It is
the Blood of Jesus that protects us from the darkness and brings us
We shall now momentarily
leave the Old Testament and reflect on the time in history when Jesus
came to earth in human form. From time to time we may insert Old
Testament prophesies regarding Jesus.
Because of the sin of
Adam, all humans inherited the sin factor in their blood. In God's
plan for a "Once in for all Blood sacrifice," it was
necessary for the sacrifice NOT to have the blood of Adam. In order
to accomplish this, since the babies blood comes from it's father,
God planned for a Virgin birth, conceived as the Holy Spirit breathed
life into the womb of Mary the chosen young woman. This child would
have a human mother, but the child's father was God; and his blood
was divine.
When Joseph the man whom
Mary was engaged to, discovered that Mary was with child, he being a
righteous man, decided to "put her away privately," but an
angel appeared to Joseph telling him this was of God and to protect
her. Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth, and the Prophets had
predicted that the Savior was to be born in the city of Bethlehem.
In those days Caesar Augustus called for the world to be
taxed and every person was to do this in their home town. This meant
that Joseph and the now very pregnant Mary needed to travel to
Bethlehem to pay their taxes.
You can imagine how
crowded the city was and the hotels and Inns were full. A kind Inn
keeper told Joseph, there is a place in the stable that is clean and
you can use the hay to make yourselves a bed - - and so it was.
On that night angels
joyfully appeared in the heavens to some shepherds who were tending
their flocks. The angels sang Glory to God in the Highest and Peace
on Earth to men, for a savior is born this night. Yes, that night
Mary gave birth to Jesus and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and
laid him in a manger for his bed. A Star led the shepherds to the
stable where they found Mary, Joseph and the baby. They bowed to
worship the new born son of God.
Mary pondered all these
things in her heart knowing there must be some both wonderful and
agonizing things ahead for her and the child Jesus. We leave with
the angels rejoicing that a savior has been born to take away the
sins of the world, and a world of mankind that is ignorant of all
that has happened this night. In our next message we will consider
wise men and it is truly a wise person who will receive Jesus into
their lives.
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