Saving for a Rainy Day
Saving for a Rainy Day
there is not a lot of our income left over to save for that Rainy
Day, but as we are hearing reports of farmers turning under their
crops and dairy men pouring out their milk and farmers destroying
eggs, and a very possible meat shortage, this generates fear in the
hearts of men and women. As believers we are urged by our Lord, NOT
to fear, but to be wise, and consider making some preparations.
It is
time to cut our spending habits on things we don't really need and
instead to purchase good staple food for your pantry.
believers we have already made the ultimate preparation to secure our
place in heaven, by receiving Jesus into our lives and he brings
peace into our spirits and souls. We must also realize that today we
live in a real world that is in turmoil.
book of Proverbs urges us to use wisdom and prepare. Proverbs 6: "Go
to the ant; consider her ways, and be wise. The ant has no chief,
officer, or ruler, yet she prepares her bread in summer and gathers
her food in harvest.”
am reminded in 1 Kings chapter 16 and 17, about Elijah and how God miraculously preserved him by daily sending a raven with bread in
its mouth to feed Elijah as he sat by the brook for water. But the
brook dried up so - - Then the word of the Lord came
to him: “Go at once to Zarephath in
the region of Sidon and there stay for I have directed a widow there
to supply you with food.” When Elijah arrived he found the widow
woman as she gathered sticks to use her last bit of flour and oil to
make a cake for herself and her son and then - - as she said, to die. Elijah asked for a cup of water, then requested her to make him a
cake first. The woman made a choice and a decision to honor the
prophet and give him her all. God blessed her for her obedience,
and the flour and oil kept replenishing daily so that all three were
able to eat simple pancakes for many days.
have heard true reports of the Lord keeping a bowl of mashed potatoes
full for many days, and also, a missionary reported her
stew increased when company came unexpected. Another instance was a
Christian youth gathering with sandwiches offered, but suddenly the
crowd was doubled as more guests arrived. Prayer was offered to
bless the food, and when all were served there were many sandwiches
left over; just like the loaves and fishes.
is able to multiply miraculously that which we have, however it is
wisdom to prepare in advance when you are aware of what is happening
and do so in what ever ways you are able.
read in 2 Kings chapter 6 about the prophet Elisha who was under
attack by a large army as they surrounded his home to capture him.
His servant was afraid, but Elisha told his servant, there are more
with us than is with them, and the servant could then see the army of
God with chariots protecting him.
spoke over the soldiers to be blinded for a season, and then told the
army of young men that they were in the wrong place and he would take
them where they should be. Elisha then led the army into the city of Samara and when their eyes were opened they saw they were surrounded
by the Israelite King and his citizens.
king wondered if he should kill them, but Elisha said, No, do not
harm them but instead give them bread and water. So they prepared a
big feast for the enemy soldiers and then allowed them to return
I considered this happening, I wondered; “Where did they get the
food for a feast for that many soldiers? It occurred to me that
perhaps they had a pantry or garage where they stored food for
emergencies. It is good for us to stock our pantry these days.
Genesis chapter 42 we understand that Joseph was a dreamer, and also
an interpreter of dreams, and when the Pharaoh of Egypt had a dream
Joseph was called from the prison to tell him the meaning. The
message from the dream was both good and bad news and that the time
was NOW. Joseph told the Pharaoh it is time to prepare now, because
a famine is coming and it will be extremely bad times ahead unless
you store away extra food.
had 7 years to get ready, but we may not have that long. The food
shortage lasted another 7 years, so the people found themselves
pledged to accept bondage from the government.
must understand that terrible times may come, and the Bible tells us
that there will be offered to the people solutions to receive food,
that may not be in the best interest of Christian believers.
this information may cause fear in the hearts of many, but it is not
a time to be afraid. It is a time to rejoice for our redemption
draws nearer than ever before.
that Jesus told us over and over again, not to fear the known and the
unknown. Don't allow your imagination to run wild and create
situations that are not there. Jesus reminded us in Matthew 6:33-34
seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these
things will be added unto you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of
it's own.
thankful for the Holy Spirit and understand that you are not alone.
God will give us wisdom to make good choices and prepare our
households the best way we can for hard times. This is the time that
God is shaking our world and many are coming to Jesus. Continue to
pray over our City, our State, our Nation and our World that those
without Christ will repent and receive Jesus who is our life and he
is more real today that he was yesterday.
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