Communion: Proclaim, Remember, Anticipate, Recognition, Participation, Sharing, Separation

 Proclaim, Remember, Anticipate, Recognition, Participation, Sharing, Separation

1 Corinthians 11: The Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” 
In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.
In preparation for this message, I am sharing a few thoughts from a small book by Derek Prince “The Power of Communion.” Reverend Prince gives seven aspects that we need to consider as we prepare to take the Lord's supper together.
  1. Proclamation: We are making a declaration or proclamation of the death of Jesus, to the seen and unseen realms.
  2. Remembering: Jesus asked us to remember His death.
  3. Anticipation: We are awaiting His return – soon and very soon
  4. Recognition: We discern the true nature of the bread and the cup, which represents His body.
  5. Participation: We are actively participating with Him in His death as we partake of the bread and the cup - - representing his flesh and his blood.
  6. Sharing: We are actively sharing in the Communion with other believers here, and with those in eternity.
These six aspects focus on our personal relationship to Jesus and also to all believers who are sharing this time with us today. The first three relate to Jesus himself, and the next three relate to his body
7.  Separation:  There is one more aspect of the communion and that is Separation of one's self as we relate to the world and to others who are not believers. There is a call for holiness and separation from the world.  It is time to draw the line;  to get into the holy fire of God and not see how close we can be to the fence of the world.
Paul was warning the Corinthian church not to mix the Lords communion with idols or anything of the occult.
Take some time to go through your house and make sure not to keep any publication, magazines or books that dishonors the Lord Jesus Christ. It would also be wise to go through your house and remove any images of Buddha or other items that disrespect our Lord. Don't retain any signs of the horoscope or zodiac – do you understand WHY?
These things are demonic and you can not partake of the Lords table and the table of demons.
The only requirement to take of communion is that you have invited Jesus into your life, but this is also a time to examine our hearts. As we prepare to partake of the communion, let us pause a moment and ask ourselves if we hate anyone, or if we have someone we find it difficult to forgive. It is so very important to deal with anything that is heavy on your heart and let it go in Jesus Name. 
 Jesus said to love one another and if we consider someone our enemy, then we must pray for them now and ask God to bless them.
As Jesus sat at the table with his disciples, he was deeply grieved and extremely sorrowful, because he knew one of his close friends would betray him. We have all been betrayed at one time or the other,Jesus took of the bread and broke it, then he said this is my body which is broken for you. We shall now partake of the bread and consider that by his broken body we can claim healing for our physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
 Then as we hold the cup, we consider that His blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus was the ultimate lamb that was the sin offering and he was slain for you and for me. Take the cup now and as you drink of it, realize that you are being invaded by the blood of Jesus. His blood is entering your body and becomes one with you.
Today is a celebration as we remember the Lords death until he comes again, and his resurrection to bring us eternal life that begins now and will continue through eternity.


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