Darkness Over All the Land as Jesus Hung on the Cross
Darkness Over All the Land as Jesus Hung on the Cross
Matthew 27:45-46 Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there
was darkness over all the land. And about the ninth hour Jesus
cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama
sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You
forsaken Me?”
finally gave in to the voice of the crowd, and released Jesus to the
Romans for crucifixion, and having done so, he commanded Jesus to be
whipped with the terrible cat of nine tails. This beating often
caused the death of the victim, due to the extreme tearing of the
flesh and the loss of much blood.
Jesus now weak from the
scourging, He was submitted to humiliation by the soldiers as they
roughly jabbed a crown of thorns on his head causing blood to run
down his face. The soldiers then clothed him in a scarlet robe and
pretended to bow down and worship him as they laughed and spit on
him. Then they put his own clothes on him, and in his weakened
condition charged him to carry his own cross to the crucifixion site.
As he stumbled, they took a black man from the crowd to help Jesus
carry the cross.
The soldiers stripped Jesus of his clothes, and
divided his garments among them, but his robe was seamless and so
they cast lots for his robe.
As they nailed Jesus to the cross, and
picked him up jarring the cross into the hole prepared, this caused
more blood to flow from his hands, feet and back. We are told that a
person can not continue to live when they have no more blood.
had lost almost all of his blood with the whipping, and now the
crucifixion, but he was still alert and begged God the Father not to
lay this sin onto the charge of those who were guilty of this
Many in the crowd, made fun of Jesus while shouting, save yourself and call your angels to deliver you. Even the two thieves mocked him, but one changed his voice and asked Jesus forgiveness. Jesus told him, this day you shall be with me in Paradise.
As the hours went by
and Noon approached, the sky became dark and over all the land there
was pitch darkness. This was because the sins of the world
(including your sins and mine) were placed on the body of Jesus, and
God the Father could not bear to look at Jesus. In agony of body,
soul and spirit at about 3:00 o clock Jesus cried out Father why have
you forsaken me, and as the life is in the blood, and Jesus had lost
almost all of his blood, he released his spirit onto death.
God then
caused an earthquake that shook all the area, and the veil in the
temple was ripped in two from the top to the bottom, signifying that
we now can enter into the Holy Place and worship there without the
benefit of a priest as a go between. Jesus became that High Priest
and he is our go between to the Father God.
Soon the soldiers came
to break the legs of those hanging there, but when they discovered
that Jesus was already dead they did not break his legs to fulfill
another prophesy that not one of his bones was broken. The soldier
took his spear and pierced the side of Jesus, and out came the
remaining blood and with it water.
A kind man begged the body of
Jesus and laid him into his own new tomb, and a large stone was
rolled to cover the opening and it was sealed to prevent anyone from
stealing the body. Soldiers were charged to guard the tomb and we
leave Jesus there waiting to raise from the dead in three days on
that glorious Easter morning.
We will never know what all our dear Lord went through for us. I have never loved Him more.