Truth Or Consequences

Truth or Consequences

The game show; Truth or Consequences on radio and TV, was Bob Barker's first TV job in 1956. The show put ordinary people in unusual (and sometimes absurd) situations. 

"What's amazing, is that most people would answer the 'truth' question incorrectly in order to subject themselves to the consequence," "People wanted to perform the stunts, which always makes for good TV. Add an unexpected reunion with a family member, or a surprise from someone in the past, and the show tugs at your heart strings."

I was reminded of the grand unexpected but anticipated, reunion in the sky when Jesus returns to gather his own onto himself. The truth will be revealed and for some there will be consequences.

There were times in the Bible when the truth had to be covered over. Joshua sent two spies to Jericho to determine if the city could be easily taken. The spies checked into the abode of a prostitute named Rehab. Why would these righteous, God-fearing Jewish men go to the house of a prostitute, especially while they are on duty? Their visit had anything to do with sex. Rather, it had to do with being anonymous. Any kind of public lodging would be the first place foreigners might be spotted. Prostitutes, on the other hand, were used to arranging secret liaisons with men, and could offer both discretion as well as overnight lodging. And this prostitute was also located on an outer wall of the city, making escape possible. But someone was watching and reported that two foreigners were at her house.
Rehab realized the situation was dangerous and she also knew the city was terrified about the Israelites, so she lied to the police and hid the spies on her roof covering them with flax she was drying and later she helped them escape by let them down the wall with a scarlet cord. The spies promised to save her and all in her house when they came to defeat the city. They told her to Put the scarlet cord in the window and we will save all in your house. Later Rehab is listed as the grandmother of Boaz and is in the linage of Jesus. 
(Hebrews 11:31) "By faith the prostitute Rehab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient." 

Sampson's girl friend, Delilia tried to discover the truth for his strength, and each time he lied to her. Finally she wore him down and he told her the truth that if his hair was to be cut, then his strength would fail. Revealing the truth was his downfall and he had to pay the consequences.

We are reminded in Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

So What is truth? That is the question asked by Pilot as he prepared to turn Jesus over to the Romans to crucify him. This truth that Jesus was the Messiah, led him to take the consequences of the sins of the world with him to the cross and leave them there.
John 1:17 tells us: For the law was given through Moses; grace and TRUTH came through Jesus Christ.

Also we find in John 14:6 Jesus said, I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, except he comes by me.

The truth was hidden from Satan when he thought he had won as he orchestrated the death of Jesus on the cross. What a surprise to the devil on that Glorious Easter morning when Jesus arose from the dead defeating death and granting everlasting life to all who would receive him into their hearts and lives.

Jesus promised to never leave or forsake us, and to send the Holy Spirit to be our comforter and guide.

Today we face truth and error; and consequences. The media would have you believe a lot that is not true and is fabricated to bring fear and worry to the people of the world.
Yes it is true that there are terrible things happening in our world even now, however we must place our trust in God for protection, and if we seem not to be protected then realize God is still with you and with me in times of trouble.

There is a timing that only God the Father knows, and that is the day and the hour of Christ Jesus's return. The signs are all around us and the return of the Lord may be closer than any of us realize.

Then there will be a day when we will all stand before the judgement and will be asked tell the truth to the question; “Is Jesus the Lord of your Life?” If He is your lord, you will hear the words, enter in to the joys of the Lord, for you are a good and faithful servant; but Jesus is not your Lord, then be prepared to suffer the consequences.

Be reminded that Jesus took the consequences of yours and my sins on his body on the tree, so your place in heaven is paid for, but you must invite Jesus to come into your life in order to secure your eternal home there. Ask and you shall receive.


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