Saving for a Rainy Day

Saving for a Rainy Day Often there is not a lot of our income left over to save for that Rainy Day, but as we are hearing reports of farmers turning under their crops and dairy men pouring out their milk and farmers destroying eggs, and a very possible meat shortage, this generates fear in the hearts of men and women. As believers we are urged by our Lord, NOT to fear, but to be wise, and consider making some preparations. It is time to cut our spending habits on things we don't really need and instead to purchase good staple food for your pantry. As believers we have already made the ultimate preparation to secure our place in heaven, by receiving Jesus into our lives and he brings peace into our spirits and souls. We must also realize that today we live in a real world that is in turmoil. The book of Proverbs urges us to use wisdom and prepare. Proverbs 6: "Go to the ant; consider her ways, and be wise. The ant has no chief, officer, or r...