Who is Jesus? Chapter 15 - Jesus quiets the storms in our Lives.


Who is Jesus? Chapter 15 - Jesus quiets the storms in our Lives.

Jesus had been teaching parables and stories while sitting in a boat. At the end of the day he ended his teaching by likening a small mustard seed as to the Kingdom of God. At first to us it seems small, it grows big enough to become a shelter and a place of protection. God's kingdom for us becomes a place of solace where we can find comfort, peace, safety and rest.

Reading from Matthew 13:31-32 About the Mustard seed as Jesus presented another parable to them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field; and this tiny seed is smaller than all other seeds, but when it is full grown, it is larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that The Birds of the air come and find safety in It's Branches."

From Mark chapter 4:35-41 Jesus had been teaching for a long while, and he was tired. The crowds were not going home, so the best solution was to ask the boat owners to take him to a quiet place across the sea to the other side. Jesus words, were; "Let us Go Over to the Other Side." Jesus knew ahead of time that they would safely reach their destination.

As a side thought here let me insert what I do when I fly on an airplane. As I approach the plane, I reach out to touch the door and I softly say; "Let us Go Over to The Other Side." I enter the airplane with NO fear, because I know that I shall reach my place of intention. One flight I was on, there sat next to me a young woman. She asked me if I was afraid that the plane might not make it? I told her NOT at all, and not to worry, because we are going over to the other side, and this plane just cannot go down, because I am on it. That seemed to comfort her and she was quiet the rest of the flight.

It might be a good thing for us to also practice saying this each time as we enter an automobile, cycle or a bus, or any other vehicle of travel.

The small boat was now out on the water, but a violent wind threw huge waves into the boat and it was in danger of sinking. Was Jesus worried? No he was asleep because He had just experienced a full day of teaching and he was tired, so a nap was in order. The disciples however were terribly afraid, and woke Jesus up saying, "Master, don't you care that we are perishing?" Jesus stood up and said these words, "Peace be Still," and immediately the wind calmed down and all was well. His disciples were however puzzled and said to each other; "What manner of man is this that ever the wind and the sea obey him?" The wondered to themselves, “Who is this Man really?”

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where there seems to be only turmoil, lots of trouble and no way to bring a quiet solution?

First We need to take time to pray maybe quietly knowing God is in control. Then we will be able to softly say; "Peace be Still?" Understand that our words have more power than we can ever imagine. Our minds get so busy imagining the worst and we begin to fear and get all stressed out, but do take time to quiet yourself and remember that if Jesus is in your boat (in your heart and life) all will work out for the best.

Jesus is our example and daily He prayed in private and received instruction from his Father God, then he went out to minister with Words of Power. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and as He spoke - - many miracles happened. Jesus expected miracles, and for us, we must have a good expectation and learn to trust Jesus and to believe that He able to do the impossible. Understand that Jesus is working with you and through you and desires to do the miraculous in our lives.

I am reminded of Proverbs 18:21 that says, "Life and Death are in the power of the tongue." and Deuteronomy 30:19 - I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live: - - The best answer is to chose Life. It is so important to watch your words!

 To watch what you say about situations, and most of all what you say about yourself, and about other people. 

Others may have said unkind and ugly things about you, but you must never mind what others say, and most certainly do NOT agree with them. Understand that God sees you as a person who intends to reach the other side and that you are trusting King Jesus and the host of angels to take care of you.

The Lord spoke to Joshua in chapter 1 saying: “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make thy way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.” This kind of Meditation means that first we think about the scripture we are to recite, then after considering and realizing God's Word is true, then we mumble softly God's word with our voice. We hear ourselves speaking the truth of God's Word and our spirit will rise up and grab hold of what we are saying.

Are you desiring prosperity and success in your life? Finding and writing down the scriptures that encourage you is a good practice. Reading these inspiring words out loud is a way to hear yourself say God's word. Faith comes by HEARING and hearing by the Word. It is good to hear yourself speak God's Word.

As we say God's word, with our mouth, and listen with our ears then the mustard seed faith in you will grow in your heart into a giant tree, where your faith will increase to realize the Love that Jesus has for you.


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