Terrors in the Night?


Terrors in the Night?

I listened to my husband's breath as he slept. He seemed so at peace, and then suddenly - he stopped breathing. I waited, for what seemed a very long, and then his breathing began again. One breath after another. Much later he told me a story about when he was a child. He and his brother shared a single bed, and they could hear their mother ranting on and on. Their dad told her to be quiet and let him sleep, but she kept on talking. Suddenly, from out from under dad's pillow, he took a gun and shot it into the night. And then all was quiet, so very quiet. Oh what terror this was to those two young boy's. They had no idea if their mom was dead or alive. They held their breath in fear not wanting to know all that had occurred. Their imaginations were actively going wild. The next morning, their mother was preparing breakfast as if nothing had happened, and dad was drinking his coffee, but later the boys discovered a hole in the wall made by a bullet.

Did that event trigger a self inflicted habit of holding one's breath while the imagination continued to weld frantic fear even into adulthood? Maybe so – but - - Fortunately we can find help in Jesus.

The Bible tells us in Psalms 91
You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day - -”

(This can be “REAL” terror, or Fear that is “PERCEIVED” because of our imagination.)

Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.”

(Our thoughts and our imagination tell us that there is something lurking in the darkness that may follow us through the noonday.)

The Darkness of night holds fear for many, and this can begin as a child being afraid of the dark. As children especially at night, we can imagine traps to catch us, and creepy things chasing us in dreams such as snares of the fowler and perilous pestilence to catch us.

The Psalms continue to assure us that we are protected like as in a fortress, and we can safely trust in God He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”

Words even from the Bible can assure us that there is nothing to fear, but our thoughts, our body reactions and our reflexes tell us otherwise.

Many of our citizens are fearful and are believing that they are the next victim in the attack from disease, virus and peril. Those who are homeless often sleep in the day and stay awake during the terrors of night.

Sometimes we agree with our fears and fail to trust in God. But is there a way to halt this battle and find peace?

Is there an answer to actually put a stop on the invisible war against our mind, our body and our spirit? Let us think about this a moment.

Let us consider that if God assigns angels to watch over us, even from childhood, that there is also the possibility that satan, the devil assigns his spirits to accompany you from birth.

There is something about Generation curses that seem to follow in some families, such as addictions, alcohol, incest, adultery, sexual perversion, lust, witchcraft, various diseases such as cancer, obesity, heart problems, and emotions of outrageous anger, rage, and violence, and unusual fears.

The Bible tells us plainly that Satan is a liar and he is the Father of lies, and that he seeks to kill, destroy, and harm God's children. He usually tells us that we are missing something and he has just the thing that we need. Practice using wisdom and plain old common sense. Learn to be alert.

2 Corinthians 2:11 so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.

We are so used to chalking up events, accidents, diseases, to something natural that just happens in life instead of realizing it was satan's devices and plans to harm us.

Having said all that, we are now ready to consider how to stop anxiety, sleeplessness, habits, and other things that bother us is many ways.

Let us consider that as an infant, the devil planned to kill you. He laid out assignments often using family, caregivers, friends to plant his spirits to harm you in various ways.

To have victory over these assignments, we must investigate the reason, the source and confront the first event that we can think of in our early childhood. It is good to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance an event that caused you fear, pain, rejection, or abuse.

Second, you are to remember how you felt at that time, such as terror, guilt, pain, sadness and feeling of helplessness, and no self worth.

Third we are to consider there was another person involved and we must forgive them for their part. Allow forgiveness to flow even to yourself, because the devil will tell you it was your fault and cause you guilt.

Know that Jesus is watching this circumstance and is approving of your willingness to forgive. Allow forgiveness to flow in all directions, the person, to you, and to God, for we often blame The Lord God when bad things happen.  Allow yourself to find that peace and when it has come, begin to praise Jesus for his healing touch.

It is now time to make positive confessions with our mouth and to Replace all falsehood, and lies about yourself, with God's truth that you are a blood washed child of God, and are victorious and not a victim. Use scriptures to declare who you ARE in Christ.  "You are a righteous child of God."

The Bible tells us to understand our battle is a spiritual war, and we must be alert to recognize any future attacks and be prepared to make scriptural declarations about our victory in Christ Jesus.

So what to do if these feelings return? Stop, and consider it is the devil accusing you, and there is NO condemnation to those who walk in the Spirit. Now simply command the enemy to go and not return, in Jesus Name - - and begin to praise Jesus for his healing power over your past and over your mind and thoughts.

Philippians 4:7 And may the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,  guard and protect your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


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