The word substitute can mean, words like: "instead of" – "rather than," and “to replace” with something better or cheaper - - -. There are all kinds of substitutes, some good and others not so good. I was just thinking of an alternative something, like alternate lifestyles – not so good.

And then there is alternative medicine. This is common, that we have Chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncture, and unheard of new treatments and procedures many on a trial basis. Doctors continue to “practice” medicine, and using the word practice, they hope to practice on you and me until they complete all their tests to discover what drugs or procedures to give you. My old Doctor of long ago was the one who told me how to make a mustard plaster to put on my husband's chest, when he had the flu. My old fashioned doctor told me to only take medicine if I really needed it to fight infection.  

Years ago, we had encyclopedia salesmen trying to sell cases of books, but today you can google most anything on the internet and discover truth and error. 

In the School System, we have substitute teachers when the actual teacher can't be there for the day.

There are many substitutes in today's world. In the food department, there is margarine instead of real butter, sugar substitutes instead of sugar. Fake meat made out of grains and vegetables.

Substitution can be a person taking the place of another and answering for them. It literally means to exchange places. In the Gospel message we consider Jesus-Christ as our substitute when he took our sins on His body on the cross. Even though the word substitute is not found in the Bible, the doctrine of “Substitution” is truly taught. The Lord Jesus Christ became our substitute when He died on Calvary’s cross to pay not only for our sins but also for our healing both mental and physical.

Now there are some groups of people who love God, but they have another book that has become a substitute for God's Word and is used instead of the Bible.. We might consider them a cult as their definition of Jesus does not line up with God's word. The Bible tells us not to consider another Jesus who is not the real Christ. - - - Even if it is an angel telling us to do so.

Now I said all that to say this: We have a New Year ahead of us, and many of us have made resolutions. We want to lose some weight, unclutter our closets, but today I want to speak to you about a decision to read your REAL Bible. In order to read your Bible through in a years time, you will need to read four (4) chapters a day. That will take you about 20 minutes. - - and then pray and praise.

Now I am not against devotionals - - I use two daily along with my Bible, but many have used, "One minute with God,"  “Jesus Calling,” “Streams in the Desert” “ Daily Bread” and others as a SUBSTITUTE for their Bible instead of reading the “Real Thing.”

Devotionals will give you encouraging words, to bless you, strengthen you, help you overcome, but they are leaving out the basic spiritual needs that are necessary for your growth IN Christ that are found in the real book; your Bible. It is important for us to daily read our Bible.

Today as we consider our city, our State and our Nation, we view many plastic substitutes for the real person that God desires them to become. God views that which is not as through it is and calls those things that be not as though they are.  God sees the hopeless as victorious, He sees the addict as recovered and restored, God sees the sick as well, and he sees the weak as being strong. Today let us change our prayers of begging God to save, heal and deliver, to prayers of Praise that The Holy Spirit is at work convicting men and women to make changes for the better by inviting Jesus-Christ into their lives.

There is NO substitute for entrance into God's Kingdom and eventually making heaven our home. There is only one way to Glory and that is by Christ Jesus the Real Messiah.


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