Prayers of Declaration


Prayers of Declaration

We understand there is power in the prayers of agreement with two or more believers, but as we look at Jesus, he seldom prayed as He did his miracles. All praying was done prior as He met with His Father in the Secret place of preparation.

The miracles of Jesus were activated by his voice as He declared “What is it you want me to do for you?” “Go wash and be healed,” “Rise up and live,” “Be healed,” “Take up your bed and walk,” “You are forgiven.”

The Bible tells us that If two or three agree as touching anything, it shall be done. You must understand that Jesus walked in agreement with his Father and the Holy Spirit and that was a group of three to light the sparks to ignite the full blown miracle. Sometimes, you will not have time to find someone to agree with you, but know that Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God the Father are in agreement with you.

I am not saying you should not agree with your brothers and sisters in prayer, but the actual fact is that you must all BE IN AGREEMENT. The truth is that All must focus on the same answer that is being requested and anything that is contrary will nullify the answer that is God's will.

Let us examine some of those who we need to pray for. If they are sick, do they want to be healed now? - by God? Or are they desiring for the physicians and the pharmacy to heal them? Are they asking God to help the doctors? Or do they want God to replace, renew, restore the root cause of their problem?

Is there unforgiveness in their heart, any self pity and condemnation over their past?

Are there things going on in their mind, causing them doubt about God healing them now?

What about the person bound by habits, including being captive by the dark side of the spirit world.    Jesus did not ask the demon possessed person if they wanted deliverance. He demanded, commanded and declared to the demon that they had to go.

Many persons today who are bound are not willing to receive deliverance, simply because they are comfortable in their squalor. Our prayers are stirring up their comfort zone and creating a restlessness and a desire to make a change in their lives.

Prayer is powerful, and our power packed words that declare what is the Truth of God over our city will bring light in the darkness.

We as believers can speak to the darkness and command it to flee and for light to come. We can move the very winds that shuffle the ashes where the addicts sleep. Our Strong, Bold declarations will move the very walls that are built around so many, and cause them to tumble down. Our forceful voice will command heaven to come down to this very city and restore those who seem so hopeless into the Royalty that God desires them to be.

There are times to use a written prayer by one of the prophets, or a spirit filled person of God. Today is a good time to do this.

Today, we will read and agree together using a prayer that was given many years ago, by Kenneth Hagin over our Nation, and we shall also apply it to our city our State and our Nation.  We will agree with Doctor Hagin's prophetic words as he declared; O' Lord, Let your will be done - - here on earth, as it is in heaven.

Kenneth E. Hagin prayed the following at a prayer meeting held on the Rhema Bible College Campus on January 31, 1983. These words are still effective for today.  

You follow me and let’s agree:

Heavenly Father, we come again tonight. We come in the Name of Jesus — not our name, not our power, not our holiness, not even our goodness — but we come in the Name of Jesus, washed in His blood, robed in His righteousness. We come because You told us to come. You said in Your Holy Word for us to come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain help and grace to help in the time of need. Thank You, Father. We are exhorted in Your Word to pray, to intercede, to supplicate, and to give thanks for ALL who are in authority, that Christians — that believers — everywhere may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

We pray for our leaders — our President, every member of Congress, the Supreme Court, the president’s cabinet, everyone that’s in authority — that divine wisdom and grace will be given unto them. And direction will be given unto them.

We come against the powers of darkness, the forces of evil that would try to dominate and rule in our own nation. We rise up against that darkness. We rise up against those spirits and dispel the darkness. In the Name of Jesus, we command the devil to take his hand OFF of the political scene of our nation. We pray for every politician, everyone that’s in office, that they’ll not be so concerned about politics, that they’ll not be so party conscious, but that they’ll be concerned about our nation as a whole — and above all, put God first.

We come against the powers of darkness, the forces of evil, the demons of hell that would endeavor to dominate the financial scene of our nation. We pray for the economy of our nation. We pray about the unemployed. We pray that the economy will be turned around, and everyone that wants a job will find a job, and that we will be prosperous as a whole — as a nation — to continue to carry the gospel around the world. We command the devil and all of his cohorts: Take your hand OFF of the financial scene of our nation.

We come against the powers of darkness, the forces of evil that would endeavor to dominate the domestic scene of our nation. We command you, Satan, and all of your cohorts: Take your hand OFF the domestic scene of our nation. May there be peace. May there be tranquility. May there be understanding from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian border. We sweep the air clean from demons — powers of evil that would hinder, that would dominate. In the Name of Jesus!

We come against all forces that are wrong. And Father, we pray with our understanding as best we know how. We’re instructed to do so.

Yet we sense in our spirit that our spirits have not prayed as they would like. We remember that Paul said that if I pray in an unknown tongue, MY spirit prays, MY spirit, by the Holy Spirit within me prays. So the great, mighty Spirit of God dwells in us. He is our Helper. He is our Counselor. He is our Advocate. He is our Intercessor. He is our Standby. He will help us.

We trust Him to help us to pray in this area and about our nation and the leaders and all that are in authority. Help us to pray as we ought to pray, and about things that we don’t even know to pray. And so, we trust Him. He will give us utterance. And we will pray and intercede and give thanks in the Spirit.” O' Lord, Let your will be done - - here on earth, as it is in heaven. Amen


  1. Hazel, this was such an encouragement to me. I have been led here lately to pray the prayers of the prophets of old, as they cried out for mercy on their land. My heart is so burdened over what is going on, and I am pleading for His mercy upon this upcoming election. It is SO direly important, and we surely need God to intervene and thwart all of satan's tactics and plans, in Jesus' name. I drank in this post like a thirsty sponge - it was just what I needed to read right now. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord.


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