Honest to God !!

Often we think, no one knows the secret things I think or do, but let us be honest to God and confess to Him exactly what is causing him pain because it is hurting us terribly.

Nothing is hidden from God! He sees through everything, and He already knows what are the facts, but he is desirous for us to admit to him the truth.

Let's be Honest: Hebrews chapter 4 verse 5 reminds us to - - Understand that Nothing is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.

Usually it is the little weights that and holding us back. Things that we don't want to release or let go of. Things we actually get enjoyment out of, and we would prefer that God just not bother us with these little things. After all, aren't we; “Working for Jesus?”

Yes, we seem to be making a difference in other people's lives? Isn't that right? - - or is it wood hay and stubble and will it all get burned when the fire falls.

If you have ever touched a hot stove, or burnt yourself, you know it is painful. When the fire of the Holy Spirit begins to touch the chaff in our lives we pull back and yell ouch, that hurts.

Do you really want to be able to move in the Supernatural, and work the works that Jesus did? Is it important to you that your prayers for deliverance in this world of darkness hit the bulls eye, or does it matter if your prayers miss the mark most of the time?

We wonder why we feel empty, why do we determine to escape the voice of God by running here and there. If God has ever spoke to you about planting your feet on solid ground it is time to take action. So what do we do?

It is time to be Honest to God! Jesus told us to speak to the mountain. We like to view the mountain as something blocking our way, and we want it to move. Will you consider for a moment, that the mountain may be closer than we want to admit?

We want to be able to rebuke the devil and his hosts, We desire to bind the works of darkness and loose the light of Jesus into our world so others will receive Jesus.

I realize that God calls the unlikely to work for him, but we all know that He does not want any of us, myself included - - to remain as we were, but he desires us to take those baby steps to get closer to Jesus . . . so that we might learn to begin to take the giant steps that await us. At first me may need a walker to help us keep our balance, but eventually God desires us to run with Him. He is asking that we shed the heavy raincoat, the big weighty snow boots, the big overalls, and the backpack, so that we can run the smooth race he desires for us.

So what is it that is hindering you from advancing as God is asking you to do?

Are you taking time in the morning to read your Bible and to pray? Are you exercising your prayer language to pray in other tongues? If you are, then you are already hearing from God and he is revealing things for you to do.

Let's be honest to God. We find it difficult to tell God we want to stop doing certain things. You determine in your mind that you will not judge, you decide you will stop getting tiffed off about things that are not really that important. You chose to be faithful to your church and not miss a service if possible. You stop making excuses and tell God you are ready to be Honest with Him.

Years ago, I had an anger problem. It was not righteous indignation, but a raging type of wrath. I happened to read a small pamphlet by Derek Prince about self deliverance. I was too embarrassed to ask anyone to cast out the spirit of anger from me, besides, I was not sure it was a spirit. Fortunately I had a large supply closet big enough to be my prayer room.

Reverend Prince said, the first thing you must do is to be Honest to God and admit that these things are controlling you. Now control is an interesting word here, and it means someone else takes over and they have charge. What ever it is in your life that is controlling you and telling you to run and be driven – that thing can be put to naught when you are able to admit and be honest with God that you WANT it gone. You must desire it to leave. You need to confess that it is a problem and you honestly want to gone.

So that is what I did, I told the Lord, I am being honest about my anger, and I no longer want it in my life, so in the Name of Jesus, I bind the spirit of anger and command it to go.

Now Rev Prince said the next step is very important, because you must not leave the house empty, but must immediately replace with an opposite spirit. In this case it could be a spirit of “Self Control, a spirit of PEACE, a spirit of Calmness.

I did not stop with anger, I asked the Lord to search my heart and show me what else is controlling me and he began to give me a long list. Each problem that is bound must be replaced or loosed with an opposite Spirit, and that is very important.

Each of us have something in our lives that is preventing us from going deeper into God's presence, and it is time for us to be Honest with God; and then be honest with ourselves and do something about it as we have outlined.

Honest to God, you will be so happy you did.


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