Enable Restoration - or Enable Addiction - Jesus has the Solution
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Jesus will Enable a Person to be Made New and Holy before Him |
Restoration - or Enable Addiction - Jesus has the Solution
The word Enable can mean a variety of things. . . . first it means to give support, to strengthen, provide sustenance and supply provision so that the person can accomplish what they desire to do - their free will.
Al-Non is a group that meet because they have been enabling the alcoholic to remain in their addiction.
Codependents feel guilty not helping someone, even when the person caused the situation and is capable of finding a solution. It’s even harder for codependents because they want to show LOVE and find it difficult to say no to requests for money, lodging and food.
Our welfare system is enabling addiction for many by supplying housing, utilities, money, food stamps, and food - - easing their budget to enable them to purchase more drugs, alcohol, and smokes while their children go hungry.
For those living on the streets, and addicted to many things, how can we actually help them to recover themselves from the snare of the devil? There is soft love and also tough love. Soft love allows them to continue in their ways without input of consequences, but Tough Love shares truth and the fact that Jesus loves them and desires for them to follow Him, - - however God is waiting and He sets a time limit on his waiting period. What that amount of time is, we do not know, but it can be very short for some.
How is love for the lost to be expressed by the average Christian? First we must understand that God loves YOU so terribly much, in fact, He love you so much that he delights in YOU and cherishes YOU - - and in the same manner that He loves YOU, He also loves the Lost Sinner. Does that not seem strange to you that he loves us all so deeply?
Yes, we feed the poor, give tithes and offerings, attend church and special meetings, but that is NOT the reason God loves us. He loves us because that is who He is and what He does. He is a God of love and he desires us to also love others. It is good to be led of the Holy Spirit exactly how to distribute this love.
Our Pastor recently shared the story of the Prodigal son and the Father's love no matter what his boy had done. You will notice that the son did not return with the filth of the pig pen on him, but he made a choice and came in repentance willing to humble himself to the position of a servant. Because of his humility to make a choice and repent, he was received, exalted and raised to a position of favor which was not pleasing to his younger brother.
What does God expect from a person when the one who is addicted or living in sin, prays the sinner's prayer? Does God want them to continue in their lifestyle? According to the Bible, A quality decision to serve God creates an alteration in the person's mind, will and emotions and they become a new person that never existed before … a new creation in Christ Jesus.
The Bible is clear that Love often tells it like it is. John the Baptist preached, Repent and turn from your wicked ways. Jesus said, in Luke 13:3 I tell you, unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish.
New believers must be instructed on how to follow Jesus, by first being filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then attend biblical instruction on how to live - - similar to recovery meetings or disciplining classes.
No we do not want to enable the sinner to stay in the habitant where they now find themselves. God is not the Enabler for those to remain in their present place of existence, but He enables them to be changed and nurtured and loved into a Giant for Jesus. God is an Enabler - - to cause people to accomplish His Will on the earth.
God desires to enable those who come to him to walk uprightly, to become strong in body, mind, will, emotions and spirit and to become a light to shine in the darkness where they once found themselves.
Philippians 2:13 (Holman Christian Standard Bible) For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose. He is NOT willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
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