God is Always Speaking


God is Always Speaking

Today when we think of a voice speaking to us, we usually have in mind an audible voice. So if we are to consider that God is always speaking we need to take a look at our Triune God and investigate how God is still speaking.

God the Father began speaking to us about what and how He desires that we should live by giving Moses the ten commandments and also the law.

The 10 commandments are the bottom line as God lets us know that he is concerned about our worship; and that it be only HIM and no other gods.

God desires that we NOT make graven images of what we think God looks like or worship these man made creations.

He is definite when he says His Name is Holy and not to use his name in vain.  Yes, this means cursing as well.

He wants us to set aside the Sabbath day and keep it Holy. (Jews and others still honor Saturday, but after the resurrection of Jesus his followers began to set aside the first day of the week honoring the day Jesus rose from the dead.)

God emphasizes to not commit murder. (We realize that killing during war and murder is not the same. Because God often told the Children of Israel to prepare for battle and take no hostages. However God does not approve of murdering the innocent such as unborn babies and children.)

It is imperative that married persons be true and faithful to their mate, and unmarried persons keep themselves pure until they find someone to marry. God tells us that the marriage bed is holy.

God says not to take things that don't belong to you and that you have not paid for. ( Stealing is not right, God says.)

I suppose one of the things God really hates is those who speak lies and false witnessing. God loves Truth and all that is true.

God expects us to honor our father and our mother. This is difficult for some who have not been treated kindly by their parents, but we are to show them respect regardless, and this is the first commandment with promise of a long life if we will do this.

God also tells us not to desire something that belongs to someone else and not to be jealous wanting to have possessions that are owned by others. It is not wrong to desire things, just not things that are someone else's.

(All of what was just said, is a re-cap of the 10 commandments)

In the New Testament God the Father, spoke aloud at the water Baptism of Jesus, again on the mountain of transfiguration, and finally as a crowd surrounded Jesus, but most of the people only heard a noise, and did not comprehend, God was saying this is my beloved Son, Listen to Him. Hearing and listening are somewhat different. We can hear a message, a teaching or a lecture, but only if we are listening to how it applies to us and our lives can we actually benefit.

God the Father, continues to speak and today we hear Him speak as we read our Bible.

How does Jesus speak to us:  The words in “Red” in the New Testament is Jesus speaking to us and we can both hear and listen as those very words go deep into our spirit.

So How are we to hear the voice of God today? Even the audible voice that some have heard, is from Jesus speaking through His Holy Spirit.

Usually God speaks to us what seems like our thoughts, but actually the words are deeper down in our spirit person.

As we are listening - - we reach up into heaven and pull down the very words of God and as we share what we have heard and listened to, we are speaking the very mind of Christ.

For this reason it is important for us to listen to a minister of the gospel while they are speaking. Do their words bring you joy – this is to comfort and encourage you.

Do their words hurt and cut and cause us to be angry? Perhaps God is desiring to help you make some changes in your life. Those words from the minister are actually from God desiring for you to listen to the changes He desires to make.  In order for any change or correction, there must first be the acknowledgment that you are in need.  Understand that it is time to forfeit our will and to allow God's will to be done in us.  Put "Self" on the altar and allow God to be on the throne of your life.

God loves us too much to allow any of us – myself included to remain always the same, but we must surrender to Him and give Him permission to change us.

Understand that God is listening to your prayers, and to mine, even if we are not all he wants us to be, but it would be better if we would allow Him to come closer still and closer and closer still.

Realize that as believers we can pray the very will of God by listening to his voice inside us. Our thoughts can and should be his thoughts and His desires.

Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

I am reminded in 1 Corinthians chapter 2:13-16  Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? - - But we have the mind of Christ.

So as we are ready to pray over our City our State and our Nation, we must know what God's desires and what is His will: First and foremost we know that He is NOT willing that anyone perish but that all would come to repentance. However, this cannot happen until the person invites Jesus into their lives.

May our prayers today be from the very heart of God as He gives us his words to pray so that His will might be done on earth as it is in heaven. 


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