Uninvited Visitor (A Halloween Story)

Uninvited Visitor The knocking at my door was more of a violent scratching, like my dog does when he wants inside. I pulled the curtain aside and peered out to view the hooded dark figure as he continued to thump and tap loudly. Opening the door just a crack was enough for him to push against the door and gain entrance even without a formal invitation. I asked his name, and he mumbled something and then quietly moved to a corner to sit and hide while he continued observing me. Finally I told him I was certain that I did not want him in my home. He spoke in whispers and in a nagging monologue began to berate me and tell me how bad I was, and that I was no good. His voice rose up a tone or two as he gained confidence in what he was about; “You do nothing right, and no one likes you,” was spewing from his lips. “It was all your fault and you have no one to blame except yourself,” he continued. “Even God will never ...