The Majority is NOT Always Right


The Majority is NOT Always Right

It had been more than a year since the children of Israel had left Egypt. They had received the Law at Sinai, worshiped the golden calf, been forgiven, and built the Tabernacle where God’s presence was to dwell. They were ready to enter to Promised Land.

The Israelites left Mount Sinai and traveled through the desert of Paran to a place called Kadesh. There God told Moses: ‘Send 12 men, one from each tribe, to spy out Canaan, the land that I will give to the Israelites.’

So Moses chose 12 men and said to them: ‘Go to Canaan, and find out if the land is good for growing food. See whether the people are weak or strong and whether they live in tents or in cities.’ The 12 spies, including Joshua and Caleb, left for Canaan.

After 40 days, the spies returned, bringing back figs, pomegranates, and grapes. The spies reported: ‘It is a good land, but the people are strong and the cities have high walls.’ Then Caleb said: ‘We can conquer them. Let’s go right away!’ But the other ten spies said: ‘No! The people there are huge, like giants! We seemed like grasshoppers next to them.’

The Israelites were discouraged as they listened to the majority. They began to complain and say to one another: ‘Let’s choose a different leader and go back to Egypt. Why should we go to this place and be killed?’  Joshua and Caleb said: ‘Do not disobey the Lord God, and do not be afraid. God will protect us.’ But the Israelites would not listen. They even wanted to kill Joshua and Caleb!

God said to Moses: ‘After everything I have done for the Israelites, they still do not obey me. So they will stay in the wilderness for 40 years, and here they will die. Only their children and Joshua and Caleb will live in the land that I promised to give them.’

~ ~ ~

What can we learn from this historical happening?  What do we know already?

First we realize the children of Israel had already seen miracles, provision, and victory as they traveled, so they had witnessed with their own eyes God taking care of them, and knew the facts that God was not only able but was willing to do as He had promised. - - - But their emotions got the best of them. They allowed a spirit of FEAR, doubt, and a spirit of DEATH to conquer them.  They listened to the bad report and agreed with it.

Today, we have God's word that tells us to Fear Not, He tells us; You are NOT alone, I will never leave you. He promises to provide for us, and he declares, I am the Lord God who heals you. God asks us to have Faith to Believe all He has said.  We must agree with God.

Mark chapter 16 tells us that Jesus gave Christians authority and; He said to them, “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; if they pick up snakes with their hands; or when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

So how should we act if and when we receive a bad report?   Let us see two different reactions to a bad report: First it will seem that many people are in favor of the evil report, but God's word says it differently.  Many have listened to the majority. The sad fact is that many believers will agree with death and pray that their passing will be quick, painless and their family will be comforted.  

The Doctor tells a young or middle aged person, you only have a few days to live, so get your affairs in order. Now doctors are smart and they have provided us with facts by tests, and science, so most people believe the physician's report.

Understand the Doctor, his staff, and the report are not your enemy. Satan is enemy, he is the thief who desires to steal, kill and destroy. It is best to deal with the source of the bad report.

The source is not flesh and blood but your enemy is the devil and he wants to steal from you.

We understand there are times and seasons, and that there is a time to live and a time to die, but many succumb to the spirit of death too early and are robbed of their destiny. God's plan for the death of a Christian, is – He will simply take away your breath at your given time. Not a painful and lingering death.

Death is an enemy, and the devil is a murderer, and the father of lies. He desires to take our loved ones and perhaps even you, prior to your time - - and to rob you of your dreams and fulfillment.

If this is your friend with a bad report, What should be your prayer?? It is time to make positive Holy Spirit decrees and declarations.

First, and very important; we must watch our words. We do not ignore the facts, and are not in denial, but we need to change our confession. Life and Death are in the Power of the Tongue - chose to speak life.

Negative emotions partner with the spirit of death, and you may need to renounce, the spirit of Fear, the spirit of Depression, the spirit of Loneliness, Anxiety, Discouragement and others as the Holy Spirit reveals the spirits that you need to rebuke and give up.

We renounce the spirit of Death and fear, and tell it to go to the pit and not return. Then we call Life to come and energize our bodies replacing those unwanted spirits that plague our emotions. Jesus is the Source of Life and He is the Resurrection and the LIFE.

We confess LIFE and not DEATH. It is good to remind yourself with your mouth, when you feel a bit out of sorts - - “I shall LIVE and NOT DIE.”

We can and should make decrees, and declarations to nullify and counterattack the evil report. We can speak and say with our mouth, Death, you must leave because you are not welcome here. I rebuke death, fear, and disease and call forth Life, energy, strength, stamina, courage, peace upon my self or upon my friend.

God's word declares; “I set before you Life and Death, Chose this day - - Life.

Say with me now: “I shall LIVE and NOT DIE.”        “I shall LIVE and NOT DIE.”


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