Guarding your Oil


Guarding your Oil

(CNN) reported:  About an unusual local oil -- also called Naftalan that was discovered many years ago, in the little town of Naftalan, in the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains.  For hundreds of years it has been attracting visitors to bathe in the oil. This crude oil is too thick for commercial use and it isn't much good for burning. But it is said to have health-giving properties and so people have traveled from afar to bathe in it since ancient times.

The Bible records the story of Esther, one of many beautiful virgins brought to the King of Persia's palace. She was bathed in Oil of Myrrh for six months and with other aloes and perfumes for another six months before her audience with the King (Esther 2:12).

The Bible speaks of shepherds anointing the head of their sheep with oil. This was done as a prevention to keep ticks, flies and other insects from entering the eyes, and ears working their way into the sheep's brain.

Psalms 23 tells us that our Lord anoints our head with oil running over our ears, so that our mind is protected from the negative thinking that so often besieges us.

Special Holy Oil was to be used to anoint only the Priests and Kings: Exodus 30:22-25 Moreover the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: Take also unto you the chief spices, of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty,  and of cassia five hundred, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of olive oil a hin. And you shalt make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil used specifically for the Priests and Kings.

Psalms 133: 2 It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe.

At times the anointing is tangible but not always active. Sampson did not guard his anointing. Often he would show great fetes of strength and then at other moments he was just like anyone else. Although he was set apart by the Lord to be the deliverer, he was careless with his anointing. The Bible tells us the story of the Philistine woman, Delilah who pressed him to tell her the secret of his strength. You would think Sampson would have a clue after she tied him with new ropes, and he escaped, then she braided his hair, again he escaped - - but no, he was not thinking clearly, and finally he told her if his hair was cut, he would lose his strength.  We know the story ends tragically.  

There are times when we must be careful what we are sharing with others. Of course we present Jesus but many are not ready to hear about the deeper things of God.

Jesus had to conceal his anointing by telling stories and speaking in parables. When it was time for ministry, Jesus moved in power and the works of the devil were destroyed.

The anointing is upon all believers to some extent. According to a person's surrender to the will of God, and their obedience to do and say exactly as they are being instructed; there will be a power to proclaim and initiate salvation, healing and miracles.

The anointing may be on believers who are less obedient, but it will not be as effective.

Each believer must determine how far they intend to go with God and His will. God has available a fresh anointing for all who will enter into His Kingdom and live in it – not outside it.

There are ways to protect your oil (your anointing)

* Guard against the very appearance of evil. Sin will taint your anointing..

* Never allow your anointing to replace your intelligence. Use the wisdom God gives you as you minister to others.

* Keep your head oily - - The enemy loves to infiltrate our minds and our thoughts, because if he can get to your thoughts, he knows your body will follow.

* Be careful who you share your secrets with. David grieved because his close friends whom he trusted his heart with, betrayed him.

* Don't allow human love to reveal something that God has told you to keep secret.

* Truth shared outside of God's timing can be of negative effect. Wait for God's permission and His timing.

* If you desire to walk in supernatural deliverance – you must not give the enemy an opportunity to get into your temple. Keep the door shut and locked.

* The Lord desires you to walk in a new level of freedom, but you must be continually aware and watchful of the tactics of the enemy.

The watchmen of old, were always standing guard and it is important that we be watchful. We can do this by prayer, fasting and deliverance as we allow the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts.

Be vigilant, guard your anointing, for it is as precious as the dew from heaven.


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