Sermon on the Mount – Dealing with Anger


Sermon on the Mount – Dealing with Anger

Jesus had just given the beatitudes or the blessed are those who do certain things, and today we will continue because Jesus had a lot of other things He was teaching that day on the mountain.

Jesus warned of undue anger and holding grudges against others. Unresolved anger is one of the chief contributing factors to the destruction of marriages, the breakdown of families. Unresolved Anger is a major cause of health problems, and it is a common denominator among juvenile delinquents.

Let's take a look at the Root Cause of Anger. Anger is a spirit and it is a serious problem. What causes it?  The root cause of a spirit of anger is tension from past hurts and guilt. This mixture of pain and guilt is added and added until it erupts in anger when new offenses remind us of past experiences.

Most people assume that hurtful events in the past will be forgotten and will have no effect on the future. That is not true. Past hurts do not just go away, nor does guilt simply disappear after a wrong response to a situation. Unless these experiences are resolved through repentance and forgiveness, we will continue to experience bouts of anger when our tension points are triggered.

What kind of Pain From the Past are we considering? The following situations often lead us into bitterness, where we typically lash out in wrath, revenge, or other hurtful responses.

Being violated is a big cause. This can be simply infringing on someones space, but usually we think of violation as an abuse on women. You can count the ways .....

Robbery and theft is a very big cause for anger. My home has been robbed twice and other things taken from me such as when our hubcaps were stolen off our car while we were in church. My husband called our friend to tell him our trouble, and our friend said; “don't let them steal your hubcaps.” My husband said, you don't understand, they already stole my hubcaps. Again our friend said, “Bob, don't let them steal your hubcaps, give em to them.” What he was saying was let them go, and don't hold it against the thief, just forgive them, and not hold it against them, and you will stop being angry.

The pain of rejection is one of the strongest factors in a person’s life, especially in childhood. A child forms strong attachments to parents, friends, and relatives and finds security in these relationships. When those who are trusted communicate rejection, the child’s secure world collapses and he faces a host of fears. The pain of rejection and the torment of fears can cause the child to develop deep bitterness toward the one who is responsible for his pain. When parents get divorced, their children typically experience the pain of rejection.

One of the greatest challenges facing every young person is that of accepting unchangeable features, such as physical appearance, mental capabilities, birth order, race, brothers and sisters, and parents. When someone mocks or ridicules a child who is already insecure, it is a devastating blow to his self-esteem. Ridicule does not just attack a child’s actions—it mocks him as a person. One who experiences ridicule will be extremely sensitive to anyone else who ridicules him or others. The anger he feels is motivated by a desire for the just punishment of anyone who mocks or makes fun of others.

  • The grief of favoritism. When parents favor one child over another, they are not only damaging the self-worth of the child who is less appreciated, but they are also encouraging him or her to react toward the one who is favored. Favoritism to one will be seen as rejection by the other. The Biblical example of Jacob’s favor of Joseph over the rest of his sons is a classic example of this situation. Joseph’s brothers resented the favor Joseph received, and they sold him into slavery. Then they led Jacob to believe that Joseph had died. (See Genesis 39.)

  • The anguish of false accusations. A person’s reputation has great worth. Solomon wrote, “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold” (Proverbs 22:1). A false accusation not only damages the one who is accused, but it also stirs up indignation and a desire to see the false accuser brought to justice.

Can you recall a past experience that deeply hurt you? How do similar situations cause you to express anger now?

Along with painful experiences, The following attitudes and actions lead to guilt and anger:

  • Pride; Pride is assuming authority that does not belong to us.

  • Expectations - - When people make promises and fail to keep them, we tend to hold that against them and become resentful of their failure to fulfill our expectations. It is good to KEEP your word and follow through when you promise something.

Envy is bitterness toward another person who has received something we want and we think we deserve. Envy is a form of anger that might not be obvious to others.

Taking up offenses of someone else, can cause offense.  One of the most entangling causes of bitterness occurs when a person who was not directly involved in an offensive situation takes up an offense on behalf of the one who was offended. This kind of bitterness is deep-seated and often endures even after the one who was offended forgives the offender.

So what can we do about an angry spirit? First we need to identify the first time we can remember being hurt so bad that we became angry. Think back as far back as you can remember the first time some caused you to be angry.

Although it may be difficult, we need to forgive the person. This is the only way to rid yourself of the spirit of Anger: Make a statement and say with your mouth; “I forgive the person who caused me to be angry.” Say with your mouth, “I will let it go.” Now Decide you do not want this spirit anymore. So keep speaking and tell the spirit of anger to leave and go to the pit and never return.

The Bible tells us in (Ephesians 4:31–32). “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” 

Jesus taught it is best to Forgive, and to make things right if possible. What if the person is dead or you don't know where they are now? Just forgive them as if they were standing there in front of you. Jesus understands and he accepts your heart of mercy and forgiveness.

Prayer to Defeat the Spirit of Anger   
Father God, I confess that I have allowed myself to be consumed by the spirit of anger. As a result, Your blessings and truth have been blocked. I recognize that the spirit of anger walks hand in hand with the spirit of unforgiveness. In order to walk in the freedom of Your forgiveness, I chose to be willing to forgive others. Holy Spirit, I ask for direction and conviction as it pertains to the spirit of anger operating in my life. Lord, I praise You that Your mercies are new each and every day. I ask for Your guidance as I continue to walk through this challenge. I declare victory over the spirit of anger in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Jesus continued to teach on the mountain, and He warned to be cautious of what you look at, for the eye gate is entry into the soul. In our day, this can be certain movies, certain TV programs, some kinds of magazines, or even pornography on your phone or on CD's or DVD's.

Jesus also told us To be careful to keep your word and not to swear using God's name. The Bible says that the Lord God will hold the person guilty who uses His Name in vain. It is good to watch your other words besides swearing or cussing, because a dirty mouth with vulgarity is not becoming of a mature person.

Jesus taught to love your enemies and to practice kindness by giving a simple cup of water will heap coals of fire on their head. If you have trouble being nice to your enemy, just realize that they have anger problems and emotional troubles, and perhaps that is why they seem so mean at times.  Give them the benefit of the doubt and forgive them.

Jesus spoke about charitable giving; not to make a show, but rather to give in secret. Sometimes you can't help giving in a congregation such as the offering plate is being passed, but Jesus was speaking about doing something nice for someone and not expecting them to return the favor.

Jesus was also against making a display when you pray, but instead find a quiet place even if it is in your closet. The bible uses the word closet, but for most of us it will be a place we chose to pray. The mother of Charles and John Wesley had many children and a small house. When it was time for her to pray and worship God, she would sit in her rocking chair and pull her apron over her head. That was a signal for the children to get quiet and respect her time - - in her particular closet.

Jesus gave us an example of how to pray to "Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name." We come in respect and honor as we approach God.

What is extremely important when you pray, is to come with a clean heart free from bitterness, hard feelings and unforgiveness. Jesus said, forgive first - - then pray, because your prayers will not even be heard if you are holding on to unforgiveness.

Jesus reminded that we cannot serve two masters. We must serve God only.

Are you wearing any charms that may be a part of a false god? Are you reading the horoscopes or those type of things that are not of God.

There are some things that of themselves are not evil, but they often can replace God, so what ever it is, we must not allow it to become above the Lord. For instance; Instead of attending church, there are some people who say they just want to go to the park or the lake and enjoy nature. Nothing wrong in going to the park or to the lake, but don't let it become a substitute for worshiping our Lord God.

Jesus spoke about fasting, but again do this to become close to God, not to display your righteous and holy look. There are situations and times when it seems a fast is necessary to help us have faith and believe that God can help us. A person needs to use good judgment when they fast. Always drink water, and a fast can be a meal, a day, or several days. It is not wise or healthy to fast over long periods. One example was when the followers of Jesus were having trouble casting out a spirit from a young man, Jesus told his disciples you are not able to cast out demons because you fail to believe. Then Jesus told them to fast. Fasting will bring you closer to God so that you are able to enlarge your Believing.

Jesus promised to bless us and help us become a success, and Investments on earth are good, but true treasure is stored up in heaven. Volunteer work is a wonderful way to invest in God's kingdom.

Be not anxious about anything, and do not worry, because your Father God knows what you need even before you ask. Worry and fret are harmful to your body. Worry is a form of FEAR and these attitudes are harmful to your health. Worry and Fear can cause ulcers and other diseases that you certainly do not need.

Jesus gave us “The Golden Rule”  “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy  that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

Jesus warned to “Beware of false prophets. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?  So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

The important thing is to seek God and His kingdom first and then all these other things you fret about will be added to you. Jesus said; Ask, Seek and knock and God shall give it to you, because God is a "Good Father."

Lastly, Jesus ended his sermon by saying, What you have heard, I trust you have paid good attention and will exercise action regarding my teachings, for doing so is like a man who builds his house on a rock and when the storms come, his house will stand. The foolish persons do not pay attention and will build on the sand, and when the storms come their house is washed away and lost. So put your feet on the road of doing what Jesus has been teaching.

Matthew 7:28 And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:  For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. 


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