Sermon on the Mount – Dealing with Anger

Sermon on the Mount – Dealing with Anger Jesus had just given the beatitudes or the blessed are those who do certain things, and today we will continue because Jesus had a lot of other things He was teaching that day on the mountain. Jesus warned of undue anger and holding grudges against others. Unresolved anger is one of the chief contributing factors to the destruction of marriages, the breakdown of families. Unresolved Anger is a major cause of health problems, and it is a common denominator among juvenile delinquents. Let's take a look at the Root Cause of Anger. Anger is a spirit and it is a serious problem. What causes it? The root cause of a spirit of anger is tension from past hurts and guilt. This mixture of pain and guilt is added and added until it erupts in anger when new offenses remind us of past experiences. Most people assume that hurtful events in the past will be forgotten and will have no effect on the future. That is not true. Past hurts do n...