Seeing into the Spirit Realm


Seeing into the Spirit Realm

Reading from Hebrews 1:3 He (Jesus) is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.”

We usually don't think about what is going on around us that we cannot see, but we need to wake up and realize that the Spiritual Realm is always around us, no matter if we are worshiping or simply going about our daily business.

The Bible tells us to come boldly into the throne room to meet God. It is a good custom to take time each morning to visit God in your secret place, be it a closet or a comfortable chair to read your Bible and have a time of worship and prayer. Usually we purpose to enter into God's throne room where we might - - or may not “feel” the glory and the presence of our Lord. Understand that regardless of feelings, know that the Holy Spirit is certainly there and gathered with Him is a heavenly host enjoying your time with God. As you read your Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to show you how this can apply to your life. Ask for the truths that may be hidden there.

Perhaps it would also be good for us to observe the things going on in the Spirit. It doesn't matter if they are big things or small. It doesn't need to be a visual impression of angels, or seeing Jesus, but be aware that something in the spirit realm is happening besides what you are aware of.

As spirit filled believers it is good to ask God – what is going on in the spirit Realm? Is there anything you desire to reveal to me, or is there something I need to do? Look around you and observe the people around you. Whisper a prayer over them in your spirit – not necessarily with an encounter unless the Lord directs you. Be cautious that it is the Lord and not your exuberance.

Also make it a practice; listening to the Holy Spirit before you speak or lay hands on someone. Listening to the Holy Spirit applies to your conversations with your friends, and also in groups when you feel it is necessary to make a comment to enlighten them. Often it is better to be silent and just listen. Perhaps there is something you need to hear from the Lord - - so make it a habit to listen before you speak.

Peter had this problem on the mountain of Transfiguration, when he spoke foolishness instead of listening and soaking in the Glory that was being revealed.

Seeing into the Spirit realm is a learning process. We understand that the Holy Spirit gives us a variety of gifts, such as Prophesy, Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Unknown tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, healing, miracles, and discernment of spirits or seeing into the Spirit realm.

It is by yielding to the Holy Spirit that you are able to begin to use the available gifts. At first you may stumble as you begin to prophesy or utilize the other gifts. Experience brings confidence especially as you receive the witness that God is in you and with you.

If you were given a gift of a Piano or a Key Board, there is a lot of music hidden in that instrument, but it cannot be revealed until you first learn to use it and practice the assignments given to you by the teacher to bring out the beautiful music. It is like that with seeing into the Spirit Realm and using God's gifts. It takes practice, and a step of faith to do what the Holy Spirit is revealing to you.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not always fluent at first. For some they are, but usually most of us will stumble at first but don't give up. Begin to prophesy now, by saying positive words over those you meet. Use the words that come out of your spirit that will encourage others. As you ask the Lord what is happening in the Spirit Realm? - - He will reveal to you how to use the other gifts that are available, such as healing for the sick, a word of wisdom when needed, and the others.

Many in the Old Testament had dreams where God came and spoke to them or showed them visions that needed to be interpreted. Joseph, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and others had dreams and visions as God showed them His will.

Genesis 28 tells of Jacob leaving home to seek a wife, and as the sun was setting he took a stone for a pillow and went to sleep. He began to dream and he saw a ladder (or a stairway and one translation calls it a 'raised highway') resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. Then God began to speak to Jacob in the dream assuring him of protection, assistance, and prosperity.

When we think about the ladder, we usually think of a small narrow ladder that a worker might use, but this was wider and bigger than that. As we examine other translations, we see that it was a stairway or a large raised highway for the angels to ascend and descend as they work with us as we pray.

Elisha found himself in a dangerous place. The enemy king had sent an army to kill him, but Elisha was not worried or fearful. He knew something that his servant did not know because Elisha was able to see into the spirit realm. Elisha asked God to allow his servant to view the army of the Lord seated on their horses with their swords drawn, to protect them. It seemed Elisha was always tuned into the spirit realm, because he was in major contact with God.

Samuel was another prophet who listened well and knew God's heart. However, when he set out to anoint a new King to replace Saul, he allowed his own thoughts and eyes to consider all of Jessie's sons prior to requesting if there must be another son. Finally he was listening to the Holy Spirit and realized these handsome young men were not the special one chosen of the Lord because it was David the youngest son, a mere shepherd to anoint as the new king.

It is good to wait on God for answers when you are in the middle of making tough decisions and new directions for your life.

In the New Testament, Jesus listened carefully to what the Father was saying, and he only repeated what he was hearing God tell Him.

As we continue to experience hearing from the Holy Spirit, he will reveal truth to us that may seem as new revelation to us. Many of us have been conditioned by teachers and ministers to understand certain dogma about Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Supernatural. The question is; Are we willing to unlearn some things we have been taught as opinion or tradition, and to reconsider what the Bible actually says, and what the Holy Spirit is showing us?

God invites us to partake of His glory and magnificence. Peter explains that we are to share in and consume the divine nature of Jesus. It is Jesus who is the Glory. It is Jesus who is the Light, and our eyes must focus on Jesus. He is not only our Savior, our comforter, our healer, but he is our friend.

Peter says in 1 Peter 5:1 To the elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed

Let us one and all be willing to practice listening to the Holy Spirit and to realize that the realm of the Holy Spirit is always active and willing to work with us as we pray. Oh that we might see and know more, how to further the Kingdom of the Lord.



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