Drinking of the Light of Life


Drinking of the Light of Life – Gleaned from Katie Souza's book "Be Revived"

Often when people tap into “Grace” and become a “Christian,” erroneously they think they can just sit back and relax.

Yet Jesus told us to pray, fast, preach the gospel, take the kingdom of heaven by force, take up serpents, drive out demons, heal the sick, cleanse lepers, raise the dead, and oh, so much more.

Walking in “Grace,” doesn't excuse you from doing other good works, such as helping the poor, visiting the widows, and those alone, or what ever opportunity the Lord brings you to be kind and generous to others especially those of like precious faith.

You can't work for salvation, as it is a free grace, through faith, however good works should come naturally after you are born again. As we labor for the Lord, he increases and activates life into our mortal body. Being in His presence, reading your Bible, is like you are lifted up and are for a time are in eternity where God dwells. Your body will be refreshed and renewed by the spirit of eternal life just by being present with the Lord.

Today we will consider the “Light of Jesus Christ,” and the effect of light on our spirit, our soul and even in our body.

The Bible says in 1 John 1:5 “God is Light, and there is no darkness in Him at all.” The first thing God did in Genesis chapter 1 was to bring forth LIGHT, because that is who He is. So as He spoke words and said, Let there be light, what came out of Him was His very essence in the form of light. And He was pleased and said this is good.

Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the Light of the world.” The first chapter of Hebrews goes into even more detail concerning this characteristic of God and of Christ; {the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine.} Simply put; Jesus is the perfect imprint and very image of God's nature – and God is Light. 

Hebrews 1:3 “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature, upholding all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.”

Once Jesus comes to live in you, He begins imprinting God's nature on you, and he does this through transforming us into His image – which is light. Romans 8:9 We are conformed into the very image of Christ.

This is a process through the Holy Spirit, whom the Bible in Ephesians 5:9 Amplified Bible says the spirit is also Light. “(for the fruit [the effect, the result] of the Light (the spirit) consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth)

The Light produces the fruit of kindness, goodness and uprightness in your soul and releases life-giving power into your body. Christ's light can heal every part of your being; it drives out the darkness of bad thinking, wrong motives, and dark, painful emotions. It also brings life into your organs and parts of your body that are aging and decaying because of death working in us.

The healing of your inner man is of the utmost importance if you are to prosper in your health, even as your soul prospers. So let us look at the power of His light to heal your soul wounds, starting with this amazing scripture:

Isaiah 30:26 The light of the full moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days [concentrated in one], in the day the LORD binds up the hurt of His people and heals their wound [inflicted by Him because of their sins].

Here the Lord promises a massive increase of His light on the earth - - the light of 7 days concentrated into one! Why would He do that? This verse says He does it to bind up the hurts of His people and heal their wounds that were caused by sin.

This world is full of sin, and billions of people are wounded and in desperate need of healing. God clearly states that He will meet their need and heal them through the intensifying of His magnificent light in their souls.

The Bible says, Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things --- who can know it? This tells us that our souls are a mess, full of manipulation and evil. But the Light can expose every dark deception that holds our souls captive.

Psalm 90:8 Our iniquities, our secret heart and its sins (which we would like to conceal even from ourselves) YOU have set in the (revealing) LIGHT of your countenance.

Light can pierce any darkness. It has been said that on a dark night (and if the earth were flat) you could see a candle flickering up to 30 miles away, and perceive bright lights from hundreds of miles away.

Now imagine how much brighter the light coming from Jesus is.

His entire being is full of light. His light penetrates your soul and reveals the secrets that perhaps have been concealed even from your understanding. That is when you are changed!

The light of Christ not only exposes the darkness and hidden motives in our soul, but He also heals them according to - - -

Malachi 4:2 Unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves (released) from the stall and leap for joy.

Our mind which is part of our soul, desperately needs to be healed and renewed. The mind is the battlefield, as Joyce Meyer so aptly said. We war against the thoughts that besiege us minute by minute.

The Bible says, as a person thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7 Consequently, if you continually think about how broke you are, you will remain in lack. If you repeatedly think about an offense that wounded you, it will become impossible to forgive the offended. If you meditate too long on quitting the ministry, you will quit. And dwell on the idea of divorcing your spouse, you will be divorced. Lastly, if you allow yourself to believe that you are going to die from an illness or disease, death will have its way.

Unless your mind is renewed, you will never conquer the mountain of death in order to possess life.

When the sun of righteousness arises on you, He transmits His character and His righteous to you through His beams of living Light. The spirit searches our hearts even now, and it is up to us to allow the Light of Life to enter our mind, our emotions, our body and our spirit to bring about God's will in us and through us as messengers and carriers of His perfect light. 

 May the Light of Jesus shine on us all and on our citizens as we pray over our city, our State, our nation and over the World at large.


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