Where Are the 90 and 9 ??

Practice Righteousness which includes the Gifts of the Spirit Where Are the 90 and 9 ?? We are familiar with the story of Jesus healing ten lepers and instructing them to go show themselves to the priest so that they might enjoy being back in company with healthy people. One man was so grateful that he returned to bow down and worship Jesus and give Him thanks. Jesus asked, “Where are the 9?” Then Jesus told the man behold you are made whole. Understand that the disease of leprosy eats away parts of the body, so it is very likely that the leprosy stopped with the healing, but they remained disfigured. When Jesus told the ONE leper who was thankful and returned, “You are made whole.” The word "whole" means entire. Made entirely whole, so it is no doubt this man's body was restored, repaired and made whole. As I meditated on what the Lord asked me to bring; I thought about the 99 sheep that were in the fold while the shepherd went off into t...