Restoration of Lost Things


Restoration of Lost Things

We have all lost things, some are valuable, other things are of no consequence, but it is a terrible thing to loose a thing of value or especially of sentimental value.

A few weeks ago, I lost one of my favorite ear rings, and I decided it probably came off when I removed my mask after exiting the grocery store. I searched my house, my car but I did not find it. Then a few days later, I was thinking about my ear ring as I was at my kitchen sink, and I reached down to empty the small strainer that sets in the drain, and there inside was my ear ring. Amazing !! How did it get there? Go figure !! I believe it was put there by an angel, because God does send his angels to watch over us.

In 2 Kings chapter 61-7 we read of an axe head that was lost but returned by a miracle;

Now the sons of the prophets said to Elisha, “See, the place where we dwell under your charge is too small for us. Let us go to the Jordan and each of us get there a log, and let us make a place for us to dwell there.” And he answered, “Go.” Then one of them said, “Be pleased to go with your servants.” And he answered, “I will go.” So he went with them. And when they came to the Jordan, they cut down trees. But as one was felling a log, his axe head fell into the water, and he cried out, “Alas, my master! It was borrowed.” Then the man of God said, “Where did it fall?” When he showed him the place, he cut off a stick and threw it in there and made the iron float. And he said, “Take it up.” So he reached out his hand and took it.

The Bible tells us of a woman loosing one of her ten coins. Not just any old coin. Some have thought - the coins may have been the woman's dowry, worn as an ornament. This explains the urgency of the woman's search, and the extent of her joy when the missing coin is found.

Jesus tells of a lost sheep; cold and hurt, but the shepherd leaves the 99 and searches until he finds the little lamb.

Jesus called himself the "son of man," because when he came to earth, he left ALL of his "God powers." in heaven and became flesh on earth.  Everything Jesus did on earth was by listening to his Father God, and then moving in the anointing he received when he was baptized by John the Baptist.  Remember when the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove?  That experience began His anointing as Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit - - It is the same for us when we accept Jesus into our life and seek to be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Amazing things happened to Jesus as he walked with His FATHER GOD.  At times the religious leaders tried to kill him as they were not believers.  There were many times of danger, but fantastic as it was - - Jesus passed through the crowd and seemed to disappear.  WOW, did that really happen you say?

Remember Philip preaching to the eunuch in the desert.  After believing that Jesus is the Messiah, at the eunuch's request, Philip baptized him, and IMMEDIATELY Philip was lifted up and appeared in another city. (transported) - - Amazing to say the least, but do things like this happen today?  Not as often as they should, but they do.

I realize that many things seem strange to us, but we need to believe that what is written in the Bible is actually true, and we can expect similar things to occur today.

(true story) Told to us awhile back at a Glory Conference in Palm Springs by Rev Joshua Mills. He told a story about himself and a valuable ring that had been given to him but sadly to say that during a stay at a certain hotel, it was lost (or stolen.)  The expensive ring also had sentimental value because it has been passed down from family to family. He was extremely sorrowful about his missing ring. 

One day in prayer as he cried before the Lord, he asked for help in finding his ring and having it restored to him.  He was praising the Lord and the presence of God was like a cloud heavy in his room.  A vision began to appear before his eyes, and he saw himself leaving his bedroom and begin walking in a quiet neighborhood.  One of the homes stood out to him and the walked up to the house and opened the door.  As he walked through the home, he entered into a bedroom and noticed a tall dresser, on which sat his missing ring.

God told him to reach out and take his ring.  He did as he was instructed, and grabbed the ring in his left hand.  Immediately the vision ended and he was once again in his own bedroom - - - and he felt something solid in his hand.  As he opened his hand, there it was; - His missing ring, that had been stolen, but was now returned.  ~ ~ ~

In life, the enemy has stolen many things from us.  Some through ignorance, or neglect on our part, and some through NO fault of our own.  Understand that God desires to bring back to you things that the devil stole.  Perhaps it was your marriage, your job, your finances, your health, or your children taken from you outside of your control.

God can and will bring you peace to go forward regardless of the situation, but in many cases He desires to bring a restoration of things lost. At times we may feel that all is lost, but Jesus assures us that his plans all work together for our good.

Joel 2:25 reminds us: And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the canker worm, and the caterpillar, and the palmer-worm, my great army which I sent among you.

Believe God is for you and not against you.  What he has done in the past, He will do today.  Place your trust in Jesus, and get as close to Him as you can by spending quality time in the secret place as you read your Bible and pray. Know that you are His Child and as a Child of God, his DNA becomes a part of you.  God is Holy,  He has a staunch, dependable character to keep His Word,  God is healthy, He is rich, in that he needs nothing because he has more than enough.

God gives gifts and he does not repossess them, and you cannot lose them. However gifts must be exercised and used to be valuable to the kingdom. Use your prayer Language because when you do this, you are praying according to God's will. Begin to use your gift of prophesy as you pray over your neighborhood and over our city, State and Nation. Make your declarations that our citizens shall discover their deliverance by receiving Jesus as their savior. Request God to send forth his angels to seek those who are lost and need to be found. God is not willing that our citizens should find the whole world and lose their salvation. No No No, our citizens need to find the giver of eternal life who is their salvation. Jesus said, I will keep you in my hand and the father will keep us both in his hand.

May our citizens receive Jesus who seeks to save those who are lost, and give them His eternal life.


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