A Prayer of Repentance for Others


A Prayer of Repentance for Others Who Ever They May Be - -

Keep Praying All is not lost but - - Remember God says, "If my people will humble themselves and repent, I will hear them and heal their land." You may want to pray a similar prayer with me;

Father God, Hear my prayer; Lord I repent for the abortion industry that is killing millions of babies daily. 

Lord I repent for Hollywood and those who are making movies and sitcoms for Television that encourage promiscuity and perversion causing our citizens to mock marriage and laud homosexuality. 

Lord I repent for the popular song writers who promote drugs, sex outside of marriage and encourage suicide among our youth.

Lord I repent for those teachers and professors who are leading our children and young people into sexual perversion. 

Lord I repent for my personal lazy attitude to not speak up about such things as God calls those who engage in homosexual acts they have a reprobate mind and they are not pleasing to our Father. 

Lord I repent for those involved in the pornography industry. 

Lord I repent for those encouraging Pedophiles to have sex with children.

Lord I repent for those who kidnap children placing them into brothels. 

Lord I repent for those who encourage social drugs and the making legal those things that destroy the mind, body and soul. 

Lord I repent for the churches that fail to preach the full gospel and are not preaching righteous and holy living. 

Lord I repent for my personal laxity to obey your still small voice. Help us Jesus for we need you now more than ever. 

Our country needs your protection and help with the hands of government who will bring us back to the Bible and God in the class room and in our homes. 

Lord, I repent for those who are planning to take over cities and destroy homes, businesses and attack our police force. 

Lord Help us now I pray.



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