A Prayer of Repentance for Others

A Prayer of Repentance for Others Who Ever They May Be - - Keep Praying All is not lost but - - Remember God says, "If my people will humble themselves and repent, I will hear them and heal their land." You may want to pray a similar prayer with me; Father God, Hear my prayer; Lord I repent for the abortion industry that is killing millions of babies daily. Lord I repent for Hollywood and those who are making movies and sitcoms for Television that encourage promiscuity and perversion causing our citizens to mock marriage and laud homosexuality. Lord I repent for the popular song writers who promote drugs, sex outside of marriage and encourage suicide among our youth. Lord I repent for those teachers and professors who are leading our children and young people into sexual perversion. Lord I repent for my personal lazy attitude to not speak up about such things as God calls those who engage in homosexual acts they have a reprobate mind and they are not pleasing ...