
Showing posts from November, 2020

A Prayer of Repentance for Others

  A Prayer of Repentance for Others Who Ever They May Be - - Keep Praying All is not lost but - - Remember God says, "If my people will humble themselves and repent, I will hear them and heal their land." You may want to pray a similar prayer with me; Father God, Hear my prayer; Lord I repent for the abortion industry that is killing millions of babies daily.  Lord I repent for Hollywood and those who are making movies and sitcoms for Television that encourage promiscuity and perversion causing our citizens to mock marriage and laud homosexuality.  Lord I repent for the popular song writers who promote drugs, sex outside of marriage and encourage suicide among our youth. Lord I repent for those teachers and professors who are leading our children and young people into sexual perversion.  Lord I repent for my personal lazy attitude to not speak up about such things as God calls those who engage in homosexual acts they have a reprobate mind and they are not pleasing ...

The Sun Rises and the Rain Falls

  The Sun Rises and the Rain Falls Jesus was teaching upon the mountain, in Matthew chapter 5 and he ended his message by saying: “You have heard that it was said,   ‘You shall love your neighbor   and hate your enemy.’     But I say to you,   love your enemies, bless those who curse you,   do good to those who hate you, and pray   for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,     that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; (pause) For God makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. Jesus warned his followers, not to misinterpret terrible events thinking the people were being punished because they were wicked. - It was not so. The messengers were feeling proud and superior, thinking others (even believers) who suffer, must have secret sins. Jesus began in Luke 13 to say to the people who had just brought a message to Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate h...

Prevailing Prayer

  Prevailing Prayer Prayer is a big subject and there are many various ways to pray. Today we are going to examine simple Prayer, which is like talking to God. Most of you are too young to remember being taught a prayer at school, but in my day, we learned a short prayer to say before we drank our milk and ate our cookie. “God is great, God is good, and we thank Him for this food.” It is good to pray and thank God for your food, before you eat your meal. It matters not if we are at school, or in the work place, because doing this is a silent testimony to others who are watching you. When you were a small child you may have learned this prayer; “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; if Jesus comes before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. amen” As we grow older, the only other prayer that many of our citizens know is the Lord's prayer, where we honor our Father God, we realize that his will has pre-eminence over our will; we ask Him for prov...

Dimes to Dollars to Donuts

  Dimes to Dollars to Donuts Today I would like to speak about money. Yes that substance we need for our daily living. We need money, for our needs both pressing and joyful, and we obtain it in various ways. The bible talks about work, and resourcefulness. I am aware that there are some who are receiving monthly disability income due to injuries, age, or illness, but I know of several who also work in their small garden growing vegetables and fruit for their personal bounty but to also to share with others. Others are able to be a care person and earn extra income. Some have taken children into their home while parents needed to work, thus providing additional funds. Jesus told a story about a man who gave his three servants various amount of money and expected them to invest and gain a prophet. Two did so, and doubled the amount, but the third person was fearful and hid the treasure. When their master returned from his journey, he was pleased with the two and give them gr...

Restoration of Lost Things

  Restoration of Lost Things We have all lost things, some are valuable, other things are of no consequence, but it is a terrible thing to loose a thing of value or especially of sentimental value. A few weeks ago, I lost one of my favorite ear rings, and I decided it probably came off when I removed my mask after exiting the grocery store. I searched my house, my car but I did not find it. Then a few days later, I was thinking about my ear ring as I was at my kitchen sink, and I reached down to empty the small strainer that sets in the drain, and there inside was my ear ring. Amazing !! How did it get there? Go figure !! I believe it was put there by an angel, because God does send his angels to watch over us. In 2 Kings chapter 61-7 we read of an axe head that was lost but returned by a miracle; Now the sons of the prophets said to Elisha, “See, the place where we dwell under your charge is too small for us. Let us go to the Jordan and each of us get there a log, ...

What is really going on - - -

  What is really going on - - -  If you think President Trump is NOT already 5 steps ahead of the cheating Democrats, then you just haven’t been paying attention the last 4 years. Do you think he was really caught by surprised by all their cheating? No! He knew it was coming. His team knew it was coming. And they were ready. This story begins with the little-known executive order signed into existence on September 12, 2018, by President Donald J. Trump. That order, available at, is entitled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.” In that executive order, which almost no one has covered since the day it was signed, President Trump declares a national emergency. That emergency is still in play to this day, and the 2020 election was conducted under this state of emergency, which is a crucial point to understand what’s coming next. “ Unauthorized accessing of election infrastructure” In...

You are Important - - YOU Matter to God

  You are Valuable and Precious in God's Sight You are Important - - God Knows Your Name Many in the Bible were never named, but they were important nevertheless. Others were mentioned by name in a few brief comments, but that is all we ever heard about them. In the book of 2 Kings 4; we read of a “Certain Woman” A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord. But the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.” So Elisha said to her, “Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maid servant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.” Listen carefully and follow through with what I tell you - - - Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few. The woman and her sons did so, and Elisha said, now pour the oil into the vessels then go ...