Thirty Pieces of Silver |
Who is Jesus? Chapter 43
Jesus Reveals the Time of His Crucifixion is Near.
Jesus had finished teaching the crowds in the temple, he said to his
disciples, “You know that after two days the feast of the
Passover is coming, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be
Now his disciples heard those words “to be
crucified,” but they did not understand that Jesus would soon die
like a lamb brought to the slaughter at the Passover feast, so they
sloughed off his words.
Isn't that like many of us when we
know that down deep in our inner person, the Holy Spirit is speaking
to us, and we choose to not pay attention and go our own stubborn
way? Often Jesus is saying, “Come Closer,” because He wants to
share something intimate and special with you.” Are you listening?
You will remember the celebration of
the Passover was a reminder of how the Children of Israel were
delivered from their slavery in Egypt. The final plague of the 10
plagues was; the death angel would pass over the land and all the
first born of humans and of animals would die, except in the place
where the children of Israel lived.
The Israelite's were instructed to
kill a perfect lamb, to save the blood in a bowl and to use hyssop
to strike the blood over the sides and top of the door of each home.
Then they were to have a meal of roast lamb as they prepared to leave
Egypt. When the death angel came at midnight to kill the first born,
the angel would “Pass Over” every home that was protected by the
blood of the lamb.
Jesus knew that He was to fulfill the
prophesies of the prophets and that He was to become the Lamb of God
which takes away the sins of the world. Only Jesus was holy enough
to become this sacrifice, because His blood was supernatural and was
from His Father God. You will remember that Jesus was born of a
virgin by a miracle of the Holy Spirit and his real father, was God,
causing his blood to be holy.
Now the chief priests and the elders
of the people gathered in the palace of the high priest, whose name
was Caiaphas, and plotted together how they might arrest Jesus by
trickery and kill him. But they said, “Not during the “Pass Over”
feast, lest there be an uproar among the people.”
Then one of the twelve apostles of
Jesus, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and
said, “What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?” And
they paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment
Judas waited for an opportunity to betray Jesus.
You may wonder why one of Jesus close
followers would betray Jesus? First Judas was thinking of the money,
because he loved money more than he loved Jesus. He was also a
politician and having the praise of the Religious leaders made Judas
feel important. But again, he hoped that Jesus would escape, and all
would be well, and he would be so much richer. Judas and the other
disciples had often been there when Jesus disappeared from a crowd as
the people were attempting to throw Him over a cliff, so this was what Judas thought would no doubt happen. Judas was hoping that
Jesus would escape and be safe, and that he, Judas would keep his
ill-gotten gain.
Friend, there are many today who are
betraying Jesus, by turning their back when Jesus calls them to come
and follow me. They are thinking that all will be well, and they can
have their cake and eat it too. Many are caught up in fun,
entertainment and having a “good time.” They think, tomorrow, I
will receive Jesus and later, I will serve Him and live for Him, just
not today - - Many say this not realizing tomorrow may not come for
them. Those who act this way are actually grieving the Holy Spirit
who is calling them to invite Jesus today into their heart and into
their lives.
The sad thing is many do not
understand that they may not have tomorrow to make their decision to
accept Jesus. Today is a good day to follow Jesus, and if you have
not already made that choice, please do not delay inviting Jesus to
come into your life.
If you already know Jesus, then simply draw a
bit closer.
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