Time to - - Get Out of the Box
Time to - - Get Out of the Box
Before my husband died, he told me that I would need to make some adjustments in my giving, and that I may need to eliminate some of my missionaries, and organizations I gave to. I said nothing, but when he passed away, I did not trim my giving, but instead I added more good causes to my list. Down the road, I began to have financial problems, and I asked the Lord to provide help where it was needed. God reminded me of a recent message I had given about obeying God exactly as He tells us to do. God spoke to me and said, you are having financial trouble, because I did not tell you to add all those ministries, you have added on your own, and you have been disobedient. Most were requests with truly pressing needs, and I was prompted to give because of the urgency. God reminded me, that there is always a NEED, and although we would like to help, it is often best to simply and quietly back away, unless the Holy Spirit says to give. My tithe always comes first and giving to missions and causes is always extra.
One day Peter asked Jesus if they should pay taxes? Jesus replied to go catch a fish, and in its mouth would be a coin. Take the money and pay yours and my taxes. Jesus knew things by his Spirit.
When Jesus ministered by healing those with problems, he was not convention-able, and he was usually criticized and mocked by the establishment.
Jesus often did not pray, but He made declarations or simply reached out to touch someone, and they were healed. Peter's wife's mother was sick with a fever and Jesus merely took her by the hand not saying a word and helped her to her feet – and she was alive and well.
Other times Jesus did not pray, but he asked the person to go wash in the pool, after he had applied mud and spit to their eyes. The blind person who obeyed this strange instruction, came back seeing.
In the Old Testament, Naamon suffering from Leprosy was send a message by the prophet's helper, to dip in the river Jordan seven times. Naamon was upset, because he felt the prophet should make a special appearance, and wave his hands, chant or create some sort of a show in order for him to be healed. This angered Naamon, and he was furious and ready to leave and forget the whole thing. However, his servants calmed him down, by saying, this is an easy thing to do, and if the prophet had asked you do do something difficult or great, would you not have done it? So why not do the simple thing as the prophet instructed? As Naamon obeyed, he was overjoyed to discover that as he dipped the seventh time, he was cleansed from his leprosy.
Notice these instructions were for a specific person for a certain time, and we don't read of this happening again to someone else. Note that God may ask you to do something that you do not have a scripture to back up the request. Be willing to get out of the box if need be.
There was a certain Shunimite woman who suggested to her husband that they build a small room on the roof for the prophet to rest when he came by that way. This thoughtful gift, pleased Elisha and he often stayed there as he journeyed by. One day Elisha asked what could he do for her, perhaps speak to the king on her behalf? She replied, “no I have need of nothing.” Elisha's servant noticed that the woman was barren and suggested that she might like to have a child. Elisha, did not pray, but he made a declaration, “About this time next year, you share bear a child.” And it became so.
We do believe in prayer, and God desires for us to pray, and He will answer our prayers, but there are also times when we need to make a declaration about certain situations. This is when we need to be led of the Holy Spirit and obey as we are instructed.
God doesn’t help those who help themselves. He helps those who depend on and follow him. Are you making room for his work in your life?
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