
Showing posts from December, 2021

Bible Foundations: Subject: SALVATION Lesson 4 part 1

  Bible Foundations: Subject: SALVATION Lesson 4 part 1 Salvation is where it all begins with God. Each of us begins our walk with God by the New Birth of the Holy Spirit. The average Christian of today does not comprehend the fullness of this “Great Salvation” spoken of in Hebrews 2:3 “H ow shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him. ” Man tries to find a way to God and he searches for what sounds right and good; but man's way is futile. Once we invite Jesus into our live, The Holy Spirit reveals to us God's way which brings us His everlasting life. Everyone of us begin our lives with a natural birth. Jesus referred to this as being “born of water.” To begin our Christian life, one must also be born of the Spirit. John 3:1-9 Jesus explained to Nicodemus that there is a natural birth and also a spiritual birth. He continued to reveal that God...

Who is Jesus? Chapter 6 "The birth of Jesus"

  Who is Jesus? Chapter 6 The birth of Jesus   In our previous messages, we have taken into account where Jesus was in the beginning: He was in Spirit form with his Father God as they created the heavens and the earth with sound; the voice or the spoken word. We also have viewed the examples of a coming savior that were given to the Children of Israel who ate manna the bread from heaven and that Jesus said He is the bread from Heaven. God also gave the children of Israel water from a rock, and Jesus is the Rock of our Salvation, from which we drink the Living Water bringing us eternal life.  We viewed the Blood Sacrifice that was necessary to take away sin. The Pass Over Celebration was also brought to our attention as many lambs were slain prior to the Death Angel coming to take the first born of man and beast. The children of Israel were protected from the Angel of death, as they followed the detailed instructions to sprinkle the blood of the Lamb over their doo...

Behold your King

  Behold Your King The children of Israel went to the prophet Samuel and told him, “We want to be like everyone else, we want to be like the world and other nations, and so we desire a king. God was not pleased, but he told Samuel I will give them a king. Now Saul was a good looking man, very tall, muscular, humble and shy, and he was to chosen by God to be the King. Now it was time for the coronation but Saul could not be found. Therefore they inquired of the Lord where he might be. And the Lord answered, Behold, he has hid himself in the hay stacks. And they ran and fetched him; and Samuel said to all the people, “Behold Your King.” And all the people shouted, and said, “God save the king.”  One dark night long ago in all the hustle and bustle of people coming to pay their taxes, all the hotels were full and Joseph and Mary his young bride to be could find no shelter but were told they could stay in the stable with the animals. Now Mary was heavy with c...

Who Is Jesus? Chapter 5 "Water from a Rock (That Rock is Christ)"

  Who Is Jesus? Chapter 5 "Water from a Rock"  (That Rock is Christ) There is an older hymn that reminds us - - On Christ the Solid Rock, I Stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand. King David sang about God being a rock and a fortress in Psalms 71:3   “ Be to me a rock of refuge, to which I may continually come;  you have given the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress.” We are reminded that the Old Testament offers types, shadows and pictures of Jesus. Today we will consider from the book of Exodus about bread, water and a rock. Every morning as the children of Israel traveled in the wilderness toward the promised land, they were fed bread from heaven, and they called it manna. We are reminded in the New Testament that Jesus said, "I am the bread from Heaven, and I am the bread of Life." Now we turn back to the Israelite people in the desert and their need for water to quench...

And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

And the Walls Came Tumbling Down You may remember the story of the Jericho walls that kept the Children of Israel, from entering the promised land? In our lives there are often walls that prevent us for entering into the fullness of our reward and all God has waiting for us. Joshua had been instructed by God to have the people march around the walls - - silently - - not saying a word for 6 days. They were to just follow the priests who were leading the group of at least two and a half million persons as they marched. (I have often wondered if all those feet - - keeping step with one another didn't send a message to the ground under their feet - - to shake those walls a bit.) Each day they silently marched around those walls, and then they left for their camp until the next day. At one time God promised Abraham that every where his feet touched the ground that God would give him that portion. Today, as we walk to do our shopping, or drive our car over regions in our land, we...

Bible Foundations Subject: "The Godhead" Lesson 2

  Bible Foundations - Subject: The Godhead Lesson 2 The Godhead is not revealed through our natural understanding. Man has, since the beginning of time, tried to understand God and has been unable to do so. It is no wonder then that when we speak of the “Trinity” that man is confused. How can God, who is one God, be three persons and yet this is so. God is Three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and these three are one. First we should never try to understand any spiritual thing, through our natural senses. Because if the thing we are attempting to understand is spiritual, it can only be understood by our spirit, through the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know  them,   because they are spiritually discerned. The natural man learns through his five senses. Anything outside of this sphere of understanding is speculation. Man b...

Who is Jesus? Chapter 4 Jesus said, He was "I AM"

  Who Is Jesus? Chapter 4 Jesus said he was "I AM" Much of the Old Testament stories were pictures of Christ and are called types and shadows. Prior to Moses coming to deliver the Children of Israel from Egypt, Moses saw a burning bush but it did not burn up completely. As Moses drew closer a voice said, "Take off your shoes for you are standing on holy ground." Moses was intrigued, and asked, "Who are you and what do you want from me?" The voice told Moses, I am calling you to set the Israelite people free from their slavery to King Pharaoh and you will take them to the promised land. Moses asked, "Who shall I say is sending me? What is your name?" God spoke to Moses and said, "I AM THAT I AM;” God continued speaking and said; I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by  the name of   God Almighty, but by my name LORD I was not known to them. In the New Testament John's gospel, there are many times Jesus says he is "...