Running on Empty


Fill my Cup Lord to Overflowing

Running on Empty

Have you ever ran out of gas? I did once, and fortunately it was at my friends house where I had come to visit. The gas station was a couple blocks away and the attendant loaned me a gas can and told me how to put a little bit of gas in the carburetor and then in the tank. That was a lesson I learned that day about keeping my tank full and not allowing it to get below a certain mark.

I was reminded of a chorus we used to sing: Fill my cup, Lord; I lift it up Lord; Come and quench this thirsting of my soul. Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more. Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.

This hymn is asking God to do everything and not taking any responsibility for seeking God's face, spending time praying in other tongues, and reading the Bible. We should not pray because we feel obligated, or pressured or need to follow a set of rules, but we should pray because we are in love with Jesus and desire to be in His presence.

As I thought about the words “Running on Empty” I was considering how a persons body can get so tired ministering that one's spirit is not being attended to. I realize that when a person teaches, preaches, or ministers, that there is a transference of anointing that goes forth, and by experience, I often find it necessary to physically take a nap after teaching. My strength is renewed when I take the time to pray in other tongues often as I lay there and drift off to sleep. 

 You see praying in tongues for an hour may not necessarily be all at once. Maybe half an hour and Bible reading early in the morning, then throughout the day, pray in tongues to edify and build up your spirit. You are praying mysteries and God is performing His will as we thus pray. 

 Another thing I do, is pray in tongues in my car. I do not listen to music while driving, but sing and pray in other tongues. This can add to that hour we desire.

Gloria Copeland wife of Kenneth Copeland, Sid Roth, the host on “It's Supernatural, Dave Roberson, and other powerful ministers confess that they pray at least an hour in tongues daily. Doing this will fill up your spiritual tank and keep you anointed for the day.

Besides building up ourselves, we are praying for others in need, according to Romans 8:26-27 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

Abraham had done a foolish thing, listening to his wife Sarah and taking Hagar into his bed. She became with child but jealousy and envy brought nothing but havoc in the household as the young boy grew. Finally Sarah told her husband, I can't have her taunting me every day, so send her away. The woman left with her young boy and sat down under a small tree ready to die as she was running on empty. An angel appeared bringing her bread and water and telling her this was part of God's plan and she would be taken care of and the boy would birth a great nation.

Elijah was a bold prophet telling king Ahab that there would not be any rain as judgment for their idolatry. After 3 years Elijah, calls for the 400 prophets of the false god Baal and the 400 prophets of the false goddess Asherah, for a showdown. Elijah challenged the people; Don't halt between two opinions, and the God who answers by fire is the true God. You know the story how Elijah had the servants pour water on his sacrifice, and when fire came down from heaven it took not only the slain bullock but also the water. Then Elijah commanded the soldiers and himself to kill all the false prophets. When Queen Jezebel learned what had happened she swore to have Elijah's head by the next day. Off went Elijah to run for his life and finally laid down by a small tree, telling God he wanted to die, because all of a sudden he was on empty. God send an angel twice with bread and water to refresh him, and he finally went and hid in a cave.

Does this Sound like anyone you know?

The Widow woman was resigned to eat a last meal for her and her son and then they would die. She was running on empty. Her pantry only had a bit of flour and a small amount of oil, just enough for two small pancakes. Amazing enough was when Elisha showed up on her door step requesting that she feed him first, she decided, what difference will it make, as she was running on empty, so she fed the man of God first and then God caused the oil and meal to continue to replenish. Her response saved three lives for many days.

We wonder why is it so important to spend time praying in other tongues? We pray for awhile then we don't see any difference, so we stop and start and stop and start. What is happening to our spirit as we pray in our heavenly language. God is purging us and revealing things that need adjustments, and it is up to us to follow through with what the Lord is showing us.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ - - -

Our spiritual weapon is praying in other tongues, and yes we do tear down arguments and thoughts that are preventing sinners from coming to Jesus, but also if you will examine it closely This verse is speaking about praying in the spirit and God showing us strongholds in our personal lives so that we are able to bring those thoughts into captivity to obey Christ.

The sad thing is that so many of us rebel at the Holy Spirit wanting to reveal these fleshly things that need to die.  We prefer that God would use us just as we are without us allowing Him to change us.   Praying in other tongues will purge those things that need to be pruned from our lives.  It is up to us to be quick to obey revelation knowledge.

Yes, it seems that as the Holy Spirit reveals that we need to trim certain things from our life, we get upset and stop praying in other tongues, but this is not the time to give up. 

When you are so empty that the flesh has a strong hold, it is time to hold up your cup and ask the Lord to fill us up again because we are running on empty.

This is the Refreshing - to be continually Filled with the Holy Spirit
So you can bless others


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