Evacuate NOW !!


Evacuate NOW  !!

Did Your Routine ever get Messed With? Change happens and often it is quickly without warning. 

 We go about the normal things we do every morning and suddenly there is a direct upset in everything. We are told, it is time to evacuate and for your personal safety it is wise to heed the call.

There is no time to consider a different plan, but the one that presents itself in our face is the one we should take.

Adam and Eve were faced with evacuation, or you might say eviction. They were to leave with only the animal skin clothing on their backs and, they were not returning in a few days because never to go back - was the sad fact. A new way of life awaited them, and adjustments had to be made.

God's promises are sure and He could have said something like this to them, as recorded in Proverbs - - and in the Psalms.

Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.

Psalms 32:8 - I will instruct thee and teach you in the way which you shall go: I will guide you with mine eye.

Daniel and his three friends were evacuated from their promised land, and were captured and carried away to an unfamiliar place in Babylon. There they found a place of ministry and continued to trust their God and to worship Him only even though all those around them bowed down to false gods. They lived out their lives in the place they found themselves in, and never went back to what they once knew.

Jesus was doing all the normal things he did every day. He was teaching, preaching, healing the sick, raising the dead, working miracles, casting out evil spirits; until the day he was arrested and heaven declared the interruption of his routine. The devil thought to himself; that he had Jesus in a hammerlock, and this would be satan's victory and heaven's defeat. However the devil did not know the secrets of mystery. From the foundation of the world this was God's plan in-order to save mankind from their sins. Jesus must become the innocent sacrifice and once in for all the blood was shed for the very last time for sin.

I was once a sinner as we all were, walking according to our selfish will, but one day, we were approached with an evacuation notice and a promise - - - if you will leave this darkness and turn to Jesus, he will bring you into his marvelous light, and you will not be returning to this dreadful place where you once dwelt. That is God's desire for you; leave the past, and come into a new place and a new plan because it is not God's will for you to return to the old ways.

The children of Israel were evacuated from Egypt when Moses came at God's command to set them free from bondage and lead them to the promised land. Oh they were happy at first, but it did not take them much time to remiss and long for the old days even their time of slavery. They remembered the garlic, onions, and cucumbers, and other delightful things they once enjoyed. God said, “Come away with me and I will show you great and mighty things that you don't know about at this time, but I will reveal them to you.”

Yes, our routines have been disrupted, and we will need to settle down and re-establish our time of prayer and Bible reading. Maybe other things have been lost and may not ever be recovered, but God is faithful and will never forsake you.

If  you have received Jesus as your Savior, you have received His eternal Life, but there is more.  May I ask? Have you been Baptized with the Holy Spirit and prayed in other tongues since you received Jesus as your Lord?

You have been promised this gift, but in order to receive this gift, you must surrender your all to Jesus. Then you must decide to lay down your rebellious will that is saying, “No I don't want to speak in other tongues;” and instead say, not my will but your will be done. 

The Bible tells us there are diversities of other tongues, and there are at least four and maybe more varieties of other tongues.  The most important and powerful weapon is your prayer language; received when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit.  This prayer language will edify and build you up spiritually and also in character.  Second,another personal tongue is the groaning as you intercede for those lost or over situations.  The third and fourth tongue is for the church, first a message that must be interpreted with the gift of interpretation, and last a tongue for the church that is NOT known to the one speaking, but someone in the audience understands as it is a personal message of great importance to them.

Be earnest and no turning back if you desire the manifestation of the other gifts to operate in your life. Once and for all, turn yourself over to the Holy Spirit to use you in prayer mysteries that can only happen as you yield to God, allowing him to have his way with your voice.

As we pray over our cities, our States and our Nation, - - using our prayer language, we shall see people evacuated from the path to Hell and placed on the highway to heaven. 

Let us all be of one accord as we pray today that God's perfect will be done on earth as it is in heaven.


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