Running on Empty

Fill my Cup Lord to Overflowing Running on Empty Have you ever ran out of gas? I did once, and fortunately it was at my friends house where I had come to visit. The gas station was a couple blocks away and the attendant loaned me a gas can and told me how to put a little bit of gas in the carburetor and then in the tank. That was a lesson I learned that day about keeping my tank full and not allowing it to get below a certain mark. I was reminded of a chorus we used to sing: Fill my cup, Lord; I lift it up Lord; Come and quench this thirsting of my soul. Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more. Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole. This hymn is asking God to do everything and not taking any responsibility for seeking God's face, spending time praying in other tongues, and reading the Bible. We should not pray because we feel obligated, or pressured or need to follow a set of rules, but we should pray because we are in love with Jesus and desire to be in His pres...