Be Filled with the Holy Spirit


Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit has been with us since the beginning, and there are many instances in the Bible of People being filled with the Holy Spirit prior to the time Jesus's followers were baptized in the Holy Spirit.

The parents of John the baptist were filled with the spirit 33 years before Pentecost. These were temporary times when the Holy Spirit made himself real and they prophesied.

Jesus breathed on his apostles and said receive ye the Holy Spirit. John 20:22. They did not manifest any special experience at that time, but they were born again as Jesus breathed on them. When a person invites Jesus into their lives, he comes in by the Holy Spirit to dwell. But this is not the Baptism of the Holy Spirit but is what all believers receive when they receive Jesus into their life.  The Baptism is a separate experience and brings power and boldness to minister for our God.

The Great man of God, Smith Wigglesworth was saved, but his wife did the preaching and led Bible studies, and when Smith prayed for people they were healed because God answers prayer.  Later Smith was baptized or immersed in the Holy Spirit and from that day on he was a changed person. He now had boldness to preach, teach, and miracles were always in his ministry, including several raising from the dead.

Adam Clarke: To be filled implies that the born again, human spirit within was overwhelmed by, or immersed in, the Holy Spirit.

Charisma Magazine often writes about Being Filled with the Holy Spirit? David Williams is one of them.

Why is it that some believers ask, but never receive? I believe the answer is twofold.

First, they may need to break through many years of false teaching and tradition that has cluttered their minds. Second, they may not be putting action to their faith by speaking forth in tongues. They may be waiting for a special feeling. But the feeling may or may not come until first there is an act of faith.

Woman speaking in unknown tongues

Simple Instructions by David Williams

Let me give you a helpful overview of the instructions to be given to people when leading them into receiving this miraculous gift.

1. It is good to lay the scriptural groundwork.

  1. The Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). Jesus told His disciples to teach their converts "observe all things I have commanded you." In Luke 24, during his final message, Jesus commanded the disciples to "Wait in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high." Acts 1: 4, 5, and 8 verify the fact that Jesus was talking about the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

  2. Mark 16:17 tells that one of the signs for believers would be that, "they shall speak with new tongues." Taken with the other related Scriptures, we know He is referring to the enduement of power; the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

  3. Look through the book of Acts to understand what happened when the first-century believers received the infilling with the Holy Spirit. They spoke with tongues (Acts 2:4, 10:44-46, 19:6). Some will oppose and say that the speaking in tongues is not mentioned in two other accounts, such as in Paul's account of being filled with the Holy Spirit. It doesn't mention that he spoke in tongues. However by reading 1 Corinthians 14:8, we know he did, because he said, "I thank my God that I speak in tongues more than you all"

  4. The other case was in Acts 8 when the revival broke out in Samaria. It doesn't say they spoke with tongues, but it doesn't say they didn't, either. Simon the sorcerer saw something when believers were filled with the Holy Spirit, and he wanted to buy that power. What did he see?

Well, if we are going to be true to the scriptural and historical pattern, it had to be that he saw something supernatural happening. It obviously was the initial gift of tongues that Simon saw.

  1. It is important to notice that praying "in the Spirit" or "with the Spirit" is defined by St. Paul, as praying mysteries, without our understanding; or in other words, tongues. When you read the terms "praying in (or with) the Holy Ghost," in other parts of the New Testament, it is referring to praying in tongues (languages you have never learned). See 1 Corinthians 14:2, 15 which defines "speaking in the Spirit," (Ephesians 5:18-19; Jude 20)

2. It may be necessary to clear up some of fears about the Holy Spirit.

  1. Be assured that you won't get a demon by seeking God for this (Luke 11:9-13)

  2. Understand hat you won't curse Jesus while speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 12:3

3. There are prerequisites for receiving.

First each person seeking must turn from the lifestyle of sin and place their trust in Jesus Christ. You must be born again (John 3:3-7).

You must desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit, because you desire to obey God, to serve God and worship God in a satisfying way (John 4:21-24; Matthew 28:20; Mark 11:24; Luke 24:49).

4. It may be necessary to refute some false concepts concerning the baptism with the Holy Spirit..

  1. Some teach when you are born again you are also baptized in the Holy spirit. The fact is that Holy Spirit does come into our spirits at the point of salvation, but the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is separate and a distinct experience.

  2. Some teach that; "The Holy Ghost will take you over, and it will be uncontrollable." This is nonsense, because God will not violate your will. That's why Paul said, "I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with my understanding." It is an act of the human will; not something uncontrollable that will put you in a trance or dominate all your motor functions.

  3. Some teach that - - "You need to tarry a long time." Typically this is an excuse used by the person who never puts action to his faith. Yes, the disciples had to "tarry" until the day of Pentecost, but after that we have no biblical record that believers had to just tarry, waiting around for the event to happen. It's true before you begin to launch your ministry, you should wait until you receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit, but you can receive the experience right this minute if you put action to your faith.

  4. Some will tell you that - - You'll see the words in your mind that God wants you to speak. No, this is not correct. The baptism with the Holy Spirit is a spiritual experience, not a mental experience. One of the great purposes of speaking in tongues is to put your mind where it belongs — in second place to your spirit. Jesus is the baptizer, so keep focused on Jesus.

  5. Some have taught that "The Holy Ghost will take over and speak through you." This is another one of those erroneous ideas that keeps a lot of people from receiving. They are waiting for a voice to speak through them, but it won't happen. You yield your voice and The Holy Spirit gives the utterance.

The Holy Spirit doesn't speak in tongues. He gives the utterance, but you are the one that speaks. "The Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues and prophesied," (Acts 19:5). Who spoke in tongues? They did. It was not the Holy Ghost. Paul wrote, "I thank my God, I speak with tongues ..."

(1 Corinthians 14:18). Who spoke in tongues? Paul did. Again, it was not the Holy Ghost.

5. Next, be warned of the devil's strategies to discourage those who seek.

  1. When you begin to speak in tongues, the devil will likely say, "That's just you speaking!" Well, he's partially right. It is you speaking, but it's the Holy Spirit giving you the utterance. So, in essence, it's not "just you" speaking. That's why Paul talked about praying with the Spirit. Again, you do the natural, and the Holy Spirit will do the "super," and together it's a supernatural transaction.

  2. The devil will probably tell you that you are, "making it all up," when you begin to speak in supernatural tongues. It's his ploy to get you to stop. Don't stop. Keep praying in those strange sounding tongues, and you will find a fresh anointing of power come over your life.

  3. The devil will probably bring to your mind some of the erroneous teachings you've heard over the years, hoping to destroy your faithHe may suggest, "You are really messing up. This was for the apostles only. You have no promise from God for this. Stop now before judgment falls on you." What? No promise? We have more than a promise, we also have a command to be filled. Jesus told his disciples to receive this miraculous baptism with the Holy Spirit, and Peter assured us that the promise was for us, our children and those who are afar off (Acts 2:38).

6. Realize that God has already given the gift of the Holy Spirit and He desires to fill you with power.

He has made this wonderful baptism available to us now. You don't have to beg. Just shout for joy and begin praising God in a language you've never learned.

7. At this juncture, I usually tell people that sometimes it is helpful to groan in the Spirit first (Romans. 8:26).

After groaning, then begin moving your lips and tongue, trusting the Holy Spirit to give you the prompting. I tell them not to wait for a special feeling. That may come or it may not come, it doesn't matter either way because this is a faith event, not merely an emotional occasion.

8. I tell everyone who has asked to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit to begin worshiping and focusing on Jesus, for He is the baptizer with the Holy Spirit.

 9. I tell them that the moment I lay my hands on them, the Holy Spirit will give them the utterance to speak in tongues.

I instruct them to cease all native language praises (in other words for most Americans, this would mean to speak no more words in English for the time being), and immediately begin to praise God in tongues. I am honest and tell them it will sound foolish, but to do it anyway. Once again, I go over the benefits of this experience with them, reminding them that our spirit needs to ascend above our minds. Since the word "spirit" in the Greek language is the same as "air" or "breath," I sometimes will instruct the candidates to take a deep breath when they feel my hands touch them, then begin to praise in other languages.

10. Now it is time to receive.

You don't need someone to lay hands on you to receive this blessing. The laying on of hands, however, may assist you by giving you a specific point to release your faith. Jesus said these words to a little woman two thousand years ago:

Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. Yet the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. For the Father seeks such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth."


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