Look But Don't Touch
But Don't Touch
children, my parents often took us to museums and places where you
were only to look and not touch. Today we will speak about seeing
with the natural eye and with the eyes of the Spirit.
God has some
amazing things he desires to reveal to us, but at times we are afraid
to reach out and touch Him. His will is that we enjoy a relationship with him where he touches us and changes us daily.
the book of Genesis chapter 3; We find Moses tending his
father-in-laws sheep - when he saw a bush that appeared to be on fire
but did not burn up. He was very curious and wanted to come closer.
And the voice of
called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” And he said,
“Here I am.” Then
God said, “Do not come near; and only “Look, don't touch,” and
the sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is
holy ground.” And God said, “I
am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and
the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid
to look at God.
was Moses first experience with the Living God, and later we learn
that Moses developed a relationship with our Holy God and was able to
speak to Him in a very close manner, so much that at times the face
of Moses shone so strongly that the people were blinded to view him.
Moses had to wear a veil to cover his shinny face. The people were
afraid of God's presence and that is how it is with many of us at
We fear to allow God to use us when actually we should be
available to boldly come before Him. Because we are in the New
Covenant, God desires us to enter boldly into the holy place and
desire to see and look into the things of the Spirit, and to touch
his face and be touched by Him.
had an interesting life leading a rebellious and complaining people
to the promised land, but because Moses failed to obey God, he was
not able to enter the promised land only to view it. God took him on
a high mountain so he could “Look but not touch,” the land of
promise. Then God took Moses home to glory and although the people
searched his body was never found.
91:8 comforts us by saying: Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked. (but it shall not touch you.)
suggested in Colossians 2:21 concerning traditions, ceremonies, false
doctrine - - to be watchful, careful and “Touch
not; taste not; handle not;”
Some things it is best to avoid and to keep the Gospel truths as
outlined in God's Word the Bible. This is why we as full Gospel
Believers do not make it a practice with the lighting of candles, the
use of prayer books, nor do we celebrate Jewish traditions and other
things we are to not touch, because we have a new covenant and are
not under the old covenant any longer. If you will daily read your
Bible, and spend time with the Lord to develop a relationship with
Jesus and the Holy Spirit, your Spiritual eyes will begin to see
things that you never knew before. There is much for us to
experience and become a participator in the things of God. We will
be able to touch the glory and to see things that were once off
limits to you and to me.
119:18 Open
my eyes so that I will observe amazing and wonderful things from your
Holy Word.
had a reason when he told Mary not to TOUCH him just after he had
risen from the dead. The reason he could not be touched at that time
was, He had not as yet presented his blood to God the Father, and it
was necessary that he complete all that was required in the final
sacrifice for our sins. Afterward, Jesus said, it is okay to handle
me, and touch the nail prints in my hands, feet and the spear wound
in my side. Eventually the disciples gave testimony that they had
actually seen Jesus alive from the dead and that they had physically
touched Him and proved to themselves and others that he was raised from the dead.
is telling us that as we draw closer to him, we shall become like onto the very fire and not only
“Look, but touch,” the Glorious flame of the Holy Spirit.
first when we begin to experience God in His fullness; we become
afraid, but He tells us – Do not be afraid, for it is I and I want
to be with you and help you to live for me.
read in 2
Corinthians 2: 9-12 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear
heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which
God hath prepared for them that love him.
God hath revealed them unto
us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep
things of God.
what man knows the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is
in him? even so the things of God knows no man, but the Spirit of
God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the
spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely
given to us of God.
is not a time to be afraid and scared of God's presence, or to be
worried that we will die if His Holy Spirit energy fills us with
Today Jesus is waiting to pour into you more of Himself so that
you will be able to be a vessel used for His kingdom.
We are ready to LOOK into God's Word, and Touch Him with our willingness to be used so that His will can be done on earth and in the place where you live and dwell; as it is in heaven.
we pray over our city, our State, our Nation and our World, may God
use our prayers to open the spiritual eyes of our citizens so that
they may desire to make changes in their lives and make a choice to
accept Jesus and follow Him all the days of their lives.
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