Reading from Romans 15: 1-3 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification. For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written; The reproaches of them that reproached you fell on me.”
Now think about this word “Reproaches” - - - (Understand the reproaches were a retaliation that was first given by the person receiving them. No one willingly enjoys admitting that they were a party to the first encounter. Jesus offended the religious leaders by declaring that He was equal with the Father, and that He was God. Their retaliation was severe in that they planned to kill him.

These words are not meant to be personal, because they apply to many in various situations, as this is the way the enemy works. It happens every day to someone and often to you and me. Words can hurt or words can heal. Life and death is in the power of the tongue.

Misunderstanding can easily bring the spirit of offence. Sometimes people say something in jest and if you are like me (a very sensitive soul) you or I might take it to be sarcasm or that they really mean it the way their words came out. I remember when a girl said she hated me. She was joking to get a rise out of another girl, but never the less I believed her words and wondered if I should slap her - -. I thought it over and decided to forgive her and act like her words had never happened. Turned out, her family were a bunch of jokers, who pulled sad jokes and tricks on each other - - something I 
determined for myself - - not to ever do  to others; because I know how much words can hurt - even in jest.  Love others; especially old friends who love you deeply.  Walk in love and walk in forgiveness.

When a believer realizes who they are IN CHRIST - it is a first step to lifting anxiety and fear. I suppose the second step and this is very important - - is being willing to forgive and allow Jesus to forgive through you.

So many suffer from anger, fear and depression and it goes by many names. Doctors like to diagnose your symptoms with a name so they can call your problem a disease. This is so they can prescribe you a drug: Addictions of all kinds, Bi-Polar, Depression, ADT, when the real problem is a spiritual one.  Fear has torment, and so does anger, bitterness and unforgiveness.   Dr Kenneth Hagin called depression a "Pity Party" cause our selfish spirit says it is all about "ME."  Keep your eyes on Jesus and off of yourself - - and understand many are in worse shape than you are. God is able to lift you up and out of your problems. Forgiveness is the key, and then count your blessings and Praise our Lord for his goodness even if you are going through a difficult situation.

In this world – in the church, and in our families; there are many kinds of people. Some strong, but most are needing encouragement and building up to continue walking with Jesus.

Too many in this world today are suffering from wounds and abuse from childhood experiences, that has not been dealt with by allowing the Holy spirit to help them forgive those who injured them. So many feel guilty, inferior, fearful and although they are able to function at a task that does not require them to face one on one, many need to establish their identity in Christ to be able to converse with others and at least to greet those outside of their immediate circle of family and friends.

This is done by dealing with insecurities and the reason they feel that way, and applying forgiveness to those in their past.

If this is you, - - Be strong by taking steps to strengthen yourself spiritually. Find a quiet place and Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you past wounds; when was the first time you felt hurt and alone because of abuse; now look around and see Jesus there with you when it occurred. He understands and is telling you to release the person and forgive them. 

As you forgive those from your past, you will receive understanding that it was not your fault, and Jesus forgives you for feeling that way and Jesus also forgives the person who hurt and offended you.

Forgiveness Sets the Captive Free


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