Hearing God Speak

Hearing from God comes in a variety of ways. The inward witness is the most usual, but God can and does speak in an audible voice at times. He also speaks to us in dreams, visions, and by circumstances that cause us to know we must make new decisions. Many times God speaks to us as we read and search scriptures from our Bible.

Understand that as we read scripture, the life giving words from the pages of our Bible often can be related to us personally. As we read this portion from Jeremiah chapter one; please consider how these words can be applied to you.

The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart and appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Ah, Lord GOD,” Jeremiah said, “I surely do not know how to speak, for I am only a child!”

But the LORD told him: Do not say, I am only a child.’ For to everyone I send you, you must go, and all that I command you, you must speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you,” declares the LORD.

Then the LORD reached out His hand, touched my mouth, and said to me:
Behold, I have put My words into your mouth. See, I have appointed you today over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and plant.”

As we search over what we have just read; What can we learn? First, God speaks; In this case it probably was an audible voice because Jeremiah no doubt would not have paid attention to the inward witness. Next God tells Jeremiah that he is set apart and known by God even before he was born and God has good plans for his future and for his ministry.

Does Jeremiah say, “oh good, that is great, thank you God?” No - - he begins to make excuses. (Does that remind you of anyone else? Perhaps someone in the Bible who was hesitant to obey what God was asking? Perhaps some one like Moses or Gideon for example, and of course not me or you.)

Then God does a teaching message of correction. God says: Watch your words Jeremiah, Don't say those negative remarks about yourself, because it is important that you follow through with what I am commanding you. Do not fear or be afraid of those who will hear you, because I am with you to deliver the oppressed.

It is interesting that God found it necessary to say, Do not fear; and Jesus also had to say over and over again, DO NOT be AFRAID . . . FEAR NOT, because I am with you.

Finally God does something that we all must be ready for Him to do onto us as well. For you see, it is not enough to hear God's voice and for him to tell us how special we are and build up our faith and give us goose-bumps because we are in His presence . .

No it is not enough simply to hear from God. We must take the Words that he puts into our mouth and speak them out with boldness and with declaration power.  God says, I will bring to you words to share . . . so speak only what you hear me telling you, because there are kingdoms and nations that must be uprooted and torn down and overthrown - - and then we will build and plant with newness.

In our city, there are kingdoms of darkness and wicked spiritual ancestries that must be removed and destroyed before God can build anew thing. Yes, our God is at work and Seeds are being planted here and there, and they are growing in many, but never-the-less, there are still battles that must be won. Often we fight with our prayers, other times, our words become a sword cutting into the quick of those who need to make changes.

Be faithful to listen to what God is saying to you, and then be quick to obey and go forward in the power of the Holy Spirit using the words that God places in your mouth to bring about change in our city, our state and our Nation. 


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