These Things God Hates and we should too

These Things God Hates and we should too

As a young child I can remember chanting the sing song, when we did not believe someone: "Liar, Liar, pants on fire!"

Early in Bible History, there were lies told to Eve by the Serpent, causing the downfall of a beautiful life. We understand that Satan is a liar and he is the Father of all liars.

We serve a Holy God who does not lie and He cannot lie, but he strongly detests those who do, in fact the Bible says strong punishment will be meted out to liars.

Revelation 21:8 tells us; But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

Zechariah 8:17 ESV - Do not devise evil in your hearts against one another, and love no false oath, for all these things I hate, declares the Lord.”

Proverbs 16: 16-19 These 6 things God Hates, yes seven things are detestable to Him..

.God Hates a Proud Look.
  • God Hates a Lying Tongue.
  • God Hates Hands That Shed Innocent Blood.
  • God Hates a Heart That Devises Wicked Plans.
  • God Hates Feet That Are Swift in Running Into Mischief.
  • God Hates False Witnesses That Speak Lies.
  • God Hates Those Who Sow Discord Among Brethren.
If you will examine carefully these 7 things, you will discover that 5 of them involve liars and a lieing tongue in order to fulfill their goals.

Jesus said, “I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, and there is no falsehood in Christ.

Let us take a look at a couple of examples of the effects of lies and how God reacted.
We all know the story or Ananias and Sapharia who sold property and kept back part of it, but they decided to lie and pretend that what they donated was the entire amount. Peter boldly called each of them on the carpet, saying, you have not lied to men, but you have lied to the Holy Ghost, and each one in turn fell dead at Peter's feet.

In the Old Testament there is a historical story about Naaman healed of his leprosy, and his desire to reward the prophet; however Elijah refused to take any of the gifts that were offered. His servant, Gehazi, was listening, and as Naaman left, Gehazi ran after him and told a lie about some visitors who could use some of the gifts, and Naaman was more than happy to give him two changes of clothing, and two bags of silver. When Gahazi returned to the home, he hid his riches, and when Elijah confronted him, he lied again. Elijah and God was not pleased and the end result of this trickery was that Gahazi received the leprosy that Naaman was healed from.

In our world there are those in the media, and in high places of leadership that have trouble telling the truth. I pray that they will recover themselves from falsehood and embrace truth instead of error, lest a terrible thing come upon them as punishment for their lies.

Today as we gather to pray over our city, we are aware that many of our citizens have been lied to by the expert liar of all time, the devil. Satan has told many that they are not worth saving, and that there is no hope for them to change. The lies continue to plague mankind telling them they are not worthy, and have done too many terrible things to be forgiven. That no one would ever love them, and that they are failures.

The enemy whispers in their thoughts, 'you can never amount to anything, and you will always fail so what's the use in trying to change.

The sad thing is that the devil not only tells these kind of lies to unbelievers, but he also attacks our Christian brother's and sisters with his lies. Realize that for every lie that satan tells, there is an opposite truth that God is willing and able to bring to pass.

As we pray over our city, let us pray that there is a restraining order from heaven put out to counter attack all the lies of the enemy and that our citizens will have a heart of understanding to know that God loves them and desires them to come and receive Jesus as their lord and savior.


  1. Amen, and amen, Hazel! This is SO good and much needed by me today. Thank you for your faithfulness to God's call on your life. You have been such a blessing to me through the years.

    1. Your comments are so appreciate. Thank you for being there as I need your support.


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