Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom
Understanding and Wisdom
I think about Wisdom, I am reminded of James 1:5 “If any of you
lack wisdom, he should ask of God, who gives generously to all
without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” We learn to have knowledge and to understand but we need wisdom to exercise what we know and believe.
the death of David, his son, Solomon was crowned the next King of
Israel, and that night after Solomon had sacrificed onto the
Lord and gave God all the glory and allegiance; God appeared to him
in a dream and asked him to chose anything he desired and God would
grand it. Solomon could have asked for riches or a long life, but
instead he requested a heart of understanding so that he might have
wisdom how to deal justly with the people. God was pleased because
the request was not selfish, but wise, so God said, I will grant onto
you special wisdom, but because you did not ask for wealth and a long
life, I will also give you that as well
the 1 Kings, Chapter 3, We find Solomon with an opportunity to test
his wisdom: Two prostitutes living in the same house, each the mother
of an infant son, came to Solomon. One of the babies had died, and
each claimed the remaining boy as her own. Calling for a sword,
Solomon declared his judgment: the baby would be cut in two, each
woman to receive half. One mother did not contest the ruling; and she
declared, yes do it for if she could not have the baby then neither
of them could, but the other woman begged Solomon, "Give the
baby to her, just don't kill him!"
king declared the second woman the true mother, as a real mother
would be willing to give up her baby if that was necessary to save
its life. "All Israel heard of the verdict that the king
had rendered, and they stood in awe of the king because they
perceived the wisdom of God was in him to do justice."
we realize we need supernatural wisdom above all else; in order to
deal with all that is going on in this world. We are not a rebellious
people, but we are wise enough to understand that all we are being
told is not what the true plans are for not just the American people,
and Christians especially, but for the entire world.
is working through many of those in Congress and the Senant, to
disrupt our nation, and although we understand only in part, and for
the most part disagree with a lot of what we are being told, we are
not to criticize and find fault with our leaders.
we are to pray that our political parties will have wisdom to work
together for solutions instead of forming committees to enrich their
own agenda and to make plans to disrupt the leadership of our
thing that is evident is because of this virus, and the seemingly
need to shut down businesses, we are being left with options that are
scary at best.
of churches has left the communities without a place to congregate
and worship, and for many it is having an effect on their emotions
and their mental outlook.
general public is not aware what is actually going on, and it is
evident that Satan is having a field day, spreading fear and
havoc with financial hardship. However we as born again
believers have inside information that brings us peace.
we see the sword coming down to cut the church in half, giving half
to the world and half to the Christians, we must not falter. I am not
saying give the world the church, because the true mother regained
her child. So let us acknowledge that we will not be satisfied with
half, but we must understand that we are the church and we will
remain whole and trust Jesus to keep us held safely to his breast.
we pray over our city, our State, Nation and our world, may we ask
God; that minds will remember what they have heard in the past about
Jesus, and that there will be repentance in the hearts of those in
high places.who have been wicked with their many sins, including
abortion, and unspeakable activities of reproach.
am reminded of the verse we have been hearing quite a lot: If my
people will repent, and humble themselves and call out to God, He
will hear their cry and he will heal our land.
we read and study our Bible we will discover God's wisdom and also
The Holy Spirit offers to the Born again believers, supernatural
gifts which include; Special Wisdom, Special knowledge, and
miraculous healings.
God grant us his gifts and in this day above all else let us be wise
as Solomon and not just use “Common Sense,” but utilize our God
given Wisdom that comes from above.
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