Silly Women - - and also Silly Men

Silly Women - - and also Silly Men (Message at our Praying Over our City Meeting)

Early in our marriage, my husband wanted to buy a used pickup so he could use it for work, and I could have a car for my needs. He selected a really good one, and the next day the salesman showed up at my door with a blank contract. The man asked me to sign it so my husband could pick up his truck. I told him that my husband was not home to sign, but the salesman said, “Just trust me, and sign your husband's name and I will fill it in later.” So I did. The truck was ours and a few days later a payment book arrived in the mail, but it was for a much larger amount than we had agree upon. I showed my husband and he took the payment book, and went right down to the dealer. The dealer pulled out the contract and said, “Isn't this your signature?” My husband said, “NO it is NOT my signature.” After an explanation and a nice gentlemanly talk, the dealer agreed to send us a new payment book with the correct amount on it.

That taught me a lesson, to not believe everyone who says, “Trust me.” To be honest; I am still learning; but am doing much better. (smile.)

Women seem to be more gullible then men, and the wool can be pulled over our eyes. As a teenager, I often walked to the store for a loaf of bread, and passed a house where I knew a certain young man lived. I did not know him at that time, but he called out to me and said, “Hi there beautiful.” I think he had learned that from watching the movies, but it certainly turned my head. Many a man has learned the right words to say; to get their way - - and also women can be manipulative with words and behavior. Words can create situations that are difficult to correct, but God is faithful. Let us measure the words we are hearing from others. Consider carefully, and allow the Holy Spirit to filter error and truth.

In the Bible, Eve, the first women was foolish to listen to words from the serpent. He whispered, God is not your friend like you thought he was, because he hasn't told you the whole story. If you eat of this tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will become wise as God, and wouldn't you really like that? He is keeping something from you that is good, so go ahead and take a bite. Eve listened, and ate, and then she eagerly invited her husband to also partake. That is still the way it is, when sinners invite others to join in with their festivities. “Come away, and party with us, because you are being kept from something you need.

Poor Adam, was so in love with Eve, and didn't want to hurt her feelings, so he took the fruit she offered and together they became natural mankind. Not normal, but natural persons. The natural man does not perceive the things of God, and that is why the natural men and women need to be born again into the Kingdom of God. Eve was not a good influence to her husband and caused him to also suffer. Women, please be an influence and an example for good to your sweetheart, your family and your friends. Men likewise, be an influence.

The Bible also tells us of Godly men and women who were wise and bold to speak truth and win souls to the Lord. May we follow their examples to be filled with the Holy Spirit and follow Jesus always listening to the Holy Spirit and His words.

Paul warned Timothy to be cautious about those who seem to be loving and kind, but their plans are to lead you astray. Paul advises that we be wise in our relationships with others – even Christians who claim to be spiritual. The false teachers of their day, denied that Jesus rose from the dead, and there was no godly presence upon them as they associated with others.

It is good to fellowship with other believers who manifest the presence of God even while not in church.

2 Timothy 3:1-6 (edited) But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, and lovers of pleasure, having a form of godliness but denying the power; from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible (silly) women who are led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

We have met today to pray over our city. Our prayers are for all of our citizens, not just those who are homeless and struggling with addictions; but for all those who sell themselves short instead of knowing who they can become in Christ. So many have been tricked and duped by the enemy of our souls and have made foolish decisions about their lives and life styles.

They did not start out that way, and they thought to themselves, “Only this once, or just not everyday, or; only a sip now and then.” But they were not wise and the bondage became a prison.

We can't judge our street people too harshly because; “But by the Grace of God, we might have been there.” -- And some of us were there – but by the Grace of God we are no longer there.

    We have all sinned, but the Blood of Jesus is powerful to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and all foolishness. If any person lacks wisdom, we can ask and God will grant us His wisdom. James 1:5

Today, if you are confused, and not at peace in your mind and emotions, there may be things going on in your life that need to be confessed and laid on the alter of God's forgiveness. The Holy spirit of God desires to speak to you and guide you in your daily decisions. Come to Jesus today and give him your silly and foolish ways and ask Him for His wisdom and guidance in all your choices.


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