Positive declaration prayers to defeat Negative situations

Natural and Supernatural Forces 

Many years ago I attended a short conference with Morris Cerullo on prayer and how to get answers from God. For over 70 years; Dr. Morris Cerullo has trained millions of Nationals all over the world, who have gone on to teach and train millions more. It is important to train others how to organize, set up ministries, teach and preach, lay hands on the sick, to pray powerful prayers and to make declarations.

Today I will share the basics of how to work with God to solve problems. First we must realize that we live in a world of balances. There are the five physical senses, and there are also spiritual senses where God speaks to us and reveals to us His secrets, through the gifts of the Holy Spirit using prophesy, words of knowledge and words of wisdom.

On this earth there are natural and spiritual forces, both positive and negative forces. God is a Good God and the Devil is a BAD devil ; War and Peace, Lost and found. For every sickness physical or mental, every addiction, every problem; the answer is always the opposite of what is being expressed.

For instance there is disease, and there is health, there is poverty and there is prosperity, there is death and there is life, there is unemployment and there is jobs and work, there is lack and there is enough.

For each problem there is an opposite which is the solution to the need. If you have time to research the need, it is good to make a list of all the opposing forces, and then create a second list with each of the opposite positive forces. The Bible calls them spirits, so if that offends you just call them attitudes, but realize where that attitude is coming from.

Heaven holds the answer to our prayers. God's will is done in heaven and we pray that it also be done on this earth. Heaven has no lack, no disease, no fear, no worry or depression.
Jesus taught his disciples in Matthew 18:18 that there are times when you must bind the problem, and loose the solution.

Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Today we are to consider praying for our citizens, many of them are in fear today, so we need to bind fear and loose peace, confidence and self control. Many of our citizens and searching for God, in all the wrong places, let us pray that their search will be centered in the Word of God and the Bible truths.

Some of our citizens are misguided and believe there they are not able to change, but God says there is hope instead of despair, others are so bound by habits they feel there is no escape, but God says there is a WAY and Jesus is the way to deliverance.

Today, I call upon the God of change to soften hard hearts and cause them to become tender. To loose those who are bound, to bring deliverance to the captive, to heal those with broken hearts, and to forgive those who have sinned so terrible they feel there is no hope for them. May they realize that the death of Jesus included his shed blood that flowed in order to wash away all sin even the most hideous and seemingly unforgivable sins.

Lord Jesus I call those things that be not as though they are, and I call into existence peace, hope, love, and assurance that God is in control and not the media.

I call forth those who are to become preachers and teachers to step forward and pick up the Bible and begin to study and learn so that they shall be able to proclaim truth and the gospel that will save the souls of lost men and women, who are standing at the door of salvation and desire to enter in. The door is open, Lord Jesus have your way on this earth as you do in heaven. Amen.

Today may we encourage you to pray over your city, your State and over our Nation and also the World using an opposite force to replace the problem. Call those things that are Not as through they are; making prayerful proclamations today.

Understand there is so much confusion everywhere world wide. Let us bind confusion and loose trust in God. I bind disease in all its forms, virus, bacteria, infection, in all its forms and command it to leave our citizens, and to establish health and a cleansing in the blood flow, organs, lungs, brains, nerves, muscles, joints and tendons of our citizens. Repair and replace those organs that need attention. Thank you Jesus, for honoring our request.


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