I'm Only a Woman
“I'm Only a Woman” (Message given at Praying Over of City Meeting)
Today I want to address the fact that woman can lead others to Jesus, they can lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Since Pentecost, women have been receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit to prophesy, to use words of wisdom, and to teach and preach about Jesus and his love. We have met today to pray over our city and we will be praying for our citizens, but we must also be willing to step up and be used of God when the situation arises. Realize there are God moments waiting for a woman full of unction to step up.
When God calls a woman to preach, teach, and minister in the gifts, he does not tell her that she is second best because he called a man first who did not answer. No - - God is NOT saying, I might as well use a woman since I can't find a man willing to answer the call.
The Bible clearly states that God anointed Deborah as judge of Israel, gave her wisdom and prophetic counsel, and granted a 40-year period of peace as a result of her effective leadership (see Judges. 4:1-5). And the men who honored her authority were blessed.
We read in Judges 4:8 that Barak, Israel's chief military commander, refused to go into battle without Deborah after she unveiled the Lord's strategy to defeat the Canaanites. It was not an admission of fear on Barak's part. On the contrary, Barak recognized that Deborah was an anointed servant of God, and that the mantle of heaven's authority rested on her. Because she had the plan of victory, he wanted to stay close to her. He simply refused to go to battle without the Lord's prophet by his side.
Huldah the prophetess was sought out by King Josiah's top leaders for her advice about the spiritual condition of their nation (2 Kings 22:14-20).
The elderly prophetess Anna recognized that the baby Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah.
It is evident that many women took care of Jesus and followed him from place to place. These women were numbered along with the 120 who received the promise of Power to be witnesses for Jesus. Peter proclaimed that your sons and daughters shall prophesy and have dreams and visions.
Paul mentions thirteen women who participated in the gospel ministry with him as did men.
The New Testament also shows that women filled important ministry roles in the Early Church.
Dorcas initiated an effective benevolence ministry (Acts 9:36). Philip’s four unmarried daughters were recognized prophets, - - It is obvious they would Not just prophesy to other women. (Acts 21:8,9).
Paul singled out two women, Euodia and Syntyche, as “women who have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers” (Philippians 4:2,3).
Priscilla was another of Paul’s exemplary “fellow workers in Christ Jesus” (Romans 16:3,4). In Romans 16, Paul greets numerous ministry colleagues, a large number of them women. In these greetings, Paul speaks of the work or labor, of Mary, Tryphena, Tryphosa, and Persis (Romans 16:6,12)
(1 Corinthians 16:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:12; 1 Timothy 5:17). Phoebe, a leader in the church at Cenchrea, was highly commended to the church at Rome by Paul (Romans 16:1,2).
In some charismatic and Pentecostal circles, the label "Jezebel" is often pinned on women who have teaching or leadership skills, or simply because they express their opinions to their pastors. The insulting implication is that any Christian woman who steps outside the lines of ecclesiastical propriety and presumes to speak for God or displays any level of courage is labeled rebellious or conniving.
Pinning the Jezebel label on a woman of God is a blatant attempt at character assassination. After all, Jezebel was the personification of evil and wickedness.
In our time there has been many women ministers including Madame Guyon, Catherine Booth, Jessie Penn-Lewis, Aimee Semple McPherson, and Kathryn Kuhlman who had extraordinary ministries. Today we have Joyce Meyer, Gloria Copeland, Heidi Baker, Paula White and other women who are being used mightily by God.
However let us not eliminate those who sit in this sanctuary or are viewing this video today, whom God has his hand on in a special way. I am speaking about “You.”
This is the hour that Joel foretold; it is a time for both the sons and the daughters to prophesy. Women of God, you can't be silent anymore! God is calling and the Holy Spirit is present to gift upon both men and women and use you mightily in His kingdom.
You are NOT just a Woman, because YOU ARE God's anointed woman ready to be used to bring salvation and deliverance to many.
Are you ready to Receive today all Our Lord has for you. Allow your will to be prompt to yield and be submissive to the Call of the Holy Spirit to come out and be separate from the masses of nominal Christians and be ready to become a Spirit filled and Spirit led leader for Jesus be you man or if you be "Only a Woman."
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