
Showing posts from February, 2020

Who Are You? - Do you know who you Really are?

Who Are You? - Do you know who you Really are? The Character Popeye sang about himself: I'm Popeye the Sailor Man, I'm Popeye the Sailor Man, I'm strong to the finich Cause I eats me spinach I'm Popeye the Sailor Man. He knew who he was; strong and a sailor man. Who am I? I am a native Californian, a senior citizen; I was a wife and mother, but now I am a mother but no longer a wife. However, telling you this, could also apply to many other women, but this is not who I really am. I could describe myself with height, weight, color eyes, hair color and skin, but that is not who I am really. It is very important to know who you ARE in the Beloved. Exodus 3: God told Moses when Moses asked, “Who are you?” God answered, “ I am who I am .” This was the initial Identity of God, “I AM” but he is MORE. Jesus also declared that he was I AM. He said, I am the way the truth and the life, I AM the bread that came down from heaven, I...

I Want to Sit Next to You !!

I Want to Sit Next to You !! When my children were very young, one of their favorite TV shows was Davy Crockett. One day the neighbor girl came to my door, telling me that my son had hit her. My son was usually even tempered and this was not like him, so I asked my son, Why did you hit Gayle? He looked at me with fierce eyes and said; “Because Gayle said was Davy Crockett: and - - pause - - I AM DAVY CROCKETT.” Now they were role playing, but at times we also want to be like someone else and not ourselves. The fact is that we can all be Davy Crockett - - in the sense that we are all on a level plain. There is NO competition with Jesus, and we can all be close and sit with him. Spiritually speaking all are invited to receive Jesus, and by our choices we decide to follow Him, and we can all, each one of us receive the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. There is only requirement; a willing mind, to listen and obey. Some find it difficult to...

I'm Only a Woman

“ I'm Only a Woman”  (Message given at Praying Over of City Meeting) Today I want to address the fact that woman can lead others to Jesus, they can lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Since Pentecost, women have been receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit to prophesy, to use words of wisdom, and to teach and preach about Jesus and his love. We have met today to pray over our city and we will be praying for our citizens, but we must also be willing to step up and be used of God when the situation arises. Realize there are God moments waiting for a woman full of unction to step up. When God calls a woman to preach, teach, and minister in the gifts, he does not tell her that she is second best because he called a man first who did not answer. No - - God is NOT saying, I might as well use a woman since I can't find a man willing to answer the call. The Bible clearly states that God anointed Deborah as judge of Israel, gave her wisdom and prophetic counsel...