How to Win over Fear and other Negative Emotions


How to Win over Fear and other Negative Emotions 

To become skilled at getting answers to prayer we must first consider several things.

If you have received Jesus, then He is inside you and hears your faintest whisper and thoughts.  It is in receiving the answer that we wonder why it takes so long.

We live here on earth, but there is another spiritual world that we cannot see.  Our response that we desire often has to fight a war to arrive.

Daniel was a good example as he wondered why the angel took 21 days to arrive. 

Daniel 10 “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; I was prevented many days.

Paul explains in Ephesians 6:1 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

These words from Paul apply to our daily lives that are bombarded by the enemy who is trying to harm or kill us.  Paul says to put on the Spiritual Armor for your protection.

 Do not get freaked out and consider this mention of a Spiritual world to be weird, but let us go forward and apply the wrestling against darkness to our prayers.


We are now ready to ponder our next step to mull over and take into account certain Truths.

Paul told us in Ephesians 6  To Pray always with ALL prayer and supplication in the Spirit.

There are many types of Prayer:  Noted in Ephesians chapter 6 are Six kinds of prayer: 

 1. The prayer of Agreement

2. The prayer of Faith,

3. The Prayer of Consecration and Dedication

4. A Prayer of Praise and Worship

5. A Prayer of Intercession

6.  AND the Prayer of Binding and Loosening.


Let us think about positives and negatives.  Our world consists of both.  For every positive there is a negative and visa versa.

Reflect on this; God is a Good God, and Satan is a bad devil.  In life there is always a wide path and a narrow one.  Joshua said there is life and death, choose life.

Understand that attitudes and emotions are what trigger many conflicts in our lives.

Think for a moment of all the opposite mindsets, passions and feelings you can name.

As you prepare for your freedom, write down on a note pad, all the problems you are having.  Example: Fear, Freight, Anger, Depression, Hate, Worry, Anxiety, Pride, Panic, Phobia, Addiction, Nightmares - - and all others you might think of that pertain to you.

Along side of each negative emotion, write down its opposite.  Example: Faith, Hope, Gentleness, Peace, Calm, Assurance, Confidence, Trust, Love, Joy, Boldness, Reliance, Release, Freedom, Sweet dreams Opportunism, Assurance, trust, courage, and others you will think of.

You will NOT like my next statement and I urge you to not leave, but at least to think about this: 

We are in a Spiritual War and although this may sound strange, weird and creepy, but be assured that these attitudes and emotions are "spirits" and a spiritual battle must be fought.

We don’t like to call them spirits so to make us feel better we shall call them "attitudes."

How these arrived into your mindset is another question, but it was probably in early childhood when the enemy took advantage of a situation and found an open door.

You are familiar to me and I enjoy your company

These attitudes have been there a LONG time and are familiar, often enjoyed, and many times welcomed to a “Pity Party.” The Bible calls them "Familiar Spirits."

 By now you are either very angry at these words or you will stay and hear me out.

The BIG question now is;


Are you willing to give them up?

If this is so; it is time to clean house and empty all that is not compatible with a God fearing person.

Understand that once the house is empty of negativity, the clean house must be filled with positive attitudes.

 If the desire to be free is there, you are ready to do battle. 

Today we will consider a prayer called Binding and Loosening - - as Jesus taught about Spiritual Keys to lock and unlock what prohibits and then to bring you freedom.

Matthew 16:19 New King James Version. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you BIND on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you LOOSE on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Jesus gave YOU and me, AUTHORITY to bind on earth the negative and then bind it in the heavenlies. (The atmosphere where Satan has dominion.)  Authority is also yours to loose the positive on earth and to loose it in heaven.

FIRST:  Find a quiet place where you can be alone and bring your written list of negative and positives. 

Use your own words, Confess to Jesus that you no longer want (name the emotion) to rule and reign in your life.

This is the first step to Freedom.  (A desire to be free)

Again do NOT be afraid or think this Crazy, odd or peculiar, but you are to SPEAK to the attitude (name it) and command it to be Bound on earth and Bound in heaven and to GO and leave your life.  

 Go as far to say, "I don’t want you any longer."

This is important  - - Next you must fill the house with the opposite attitude.  Repeat your command by naming the Positive attitude, and using the words Loose on earth and Loose in heaven.

Your binding and loosening prayer should continue until your list is completed.  If the Holy Spirit reveals something else, then take charge again and be bold to continue.

Once your prayer time is done, then take the opportunity to worship, praise and thank Jesus for shedding His blood to pay for your freedom.

If and when these attitudes try to return, Say “NO, you are not welcome,” and immediately take charge and reinforce by claiming the opposite positive attitude.


You have authority over YOUR OWN house and household, but realize that in praying this prayer for someone else, they have a will and choices are up to them to make changes.

However here is an example.  Let us say someone in your family is angry and fuming and the atmosphere is charged with negative emotions and you can even feel it in the air.

Quietly and silently under your breath, bind the “spirit” of anger, and loose a spirit of calmness and peace.  You and God have set in motion a change, and we trust that the person will respond using their own will.  –  I have seen it happen.

For your children, bind the spirit of foolishness, and loose a spirit of wisdom.  You can pray claiming other attitudes as you are nudged by the Holy Spirit.

Expect changes in YOU in your family and in your situation.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11

(Philippians 4:6-7) Reminds us:  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” 

Thank you Jesus for setting me Free. 


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