Eternal Life – The God Kind of Life

Eternal Life – The God Kind of Life - When God Created the heavens and the earth, he moved everything into place with His Words. And God saw that it was good. On day six, God said, “Let us make man after our own image.” Man would be in the likeness of God, with all of His attributes including leadership and dominion over the animals and all of creation. So God formed man from the dust of the earth, carefully and intricately creating every cell, nerve, organ and the workings of the body functions to be perfect, including an awesome immune system to keep man well and healthy, and a mind with the power of choice. So here we have man, a mud pie, but there was no life in him. And the Bible says, God who is “Everlasting Life,” Himself, breathed on the man, and he became a living soul. The very living breath of God, entered the man at that moment and he received eternal life. God knew it was not good for man to be alone, so he caused him to sleep, and took from...