Left Overs


Left Overs

A friend tells me that as he grew up, his mother would make a large pot of stew, beans or hash, and serve it all week as left overs. To this day, he refuses to eat left overs.

Personally, I love left overs, and often make a big pot of mashed potatoes to add to various meals.

I am reminded of the Bible story of the 5 loaves and 2 small fishes and how Jesus blessed the barley loaves and fishes, broke them and gave to his disciples to give to the 5000 men in the crowd. Each of the 12 disciples no doubt had a small knapsack or basket that they carried with them and this could have been what was used to collect the leftovers.  Although the Bible does not say; It seems the 12 disciples may have taken with them some of the bread and fish for later as left overs.

I did a search and discovered that The Greek word used in Matthew 14:20, 16:9; Mark 6:43, 8:19; Luke 9:17; and John 6:13 is KOPHINOS. Which was "a wicker basket," (made of twigs or branches) This was a relatively small basket that could be carried on the back to hold provisions, (like a knapsack size.) 

In the other happening – after teaching for 3 days, Jesus fed another crowd of 4000 with 7 loaves of bread and a few fishes, and there was 7 baskets of left overs. What did they do with the left over food? - - That is a good question.

We realize that this time, the disciples did not take any food with them on the boat, so what happened to the left over food? The Bible does not say, but we realize good food should not go to waste, and perhaps some of the people in the crowd took home leftovers in their back packs for later.

Let us consider another thought about left overs when it comes to serving the Lord Jesus. As the children of Israel traveled in the wilderness, each morning there was fresh manna for their daily supply of food. If they kept it over until the next day, it would mildew and be rotten. Each day was to be a fresh supply.

The thought here is to visit our secret place each day and receive a fresh supply of God's Word the Bread of Life, and His anointing for the day.

As a teacher, we understand that there are many books available with sermons and material for lessons. This is very helpful in a structured class setting so that the students may study before hand. The teacher usually has an expanded booklet with other helpful illustrations. Prepared by someone else, but enlarged upon by the teacher as they minister.

Pastors often refer to sermon outlines to quick start their messages. Some denominations also supply suggested sermons that a pastor can edit and make their own.

I prefer not to call these helps - - left overs, but gently used assistance at times. The internet also has many helps for sermon material on line.

I am reminded of Kenneth Copeland sharing how he began his ministry. He memorized the sermons of Doctor Kenneth E. Hagin, and found them full of power and of the anointing. He especially liked the sermon about believing and receiving on Mark 11:24 “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.” 

As Kenneth Copeland preached, many came to Jesus and others were being healed from the powerful words - - borrowed from another man of God.

I am reminded of an item that had been gently used - - (left over) was the mantel that fell from the chariot as Elijah went up to heaven in a whirl wind. Elisha took up the used mantel and immediately discovered that it was full of power and the mantel was used mightily for him.

If you find yourself at a loss for words to share about Jesus, there are helps available until you become more confident in your messages. The Holy Spirit is already ready to inspire and instruct you as you mature in the Word and study more about Jesus.

It is good to use caution as you search for books and help even on  the internet, because not every thought from others is according to the Bible. There are false teachers who leave out important doctrines to satisfy those who are weak in the faith. Yes, thinking they are protecting their flock, they refuse to consider certain pages in the Bible because their faith is too weak to believe that God means what He says.

I am reminded of a happening recorded in 2 Kings chapter 4:

When Elisha returned to Gilgal,  there was a famine in the land. As the sons of the prophets were sitting before him, he said to his servant, “Put on the large pot and boil stew for the sons of the prophets.” Then one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine and gathered from it his lap full of wild gourds, and came and sliced them into the pot of stew, for they did not know what they were.

So they poured it out for the men to eat. And it came about as they were eating of the stew, that they cried out and said, “O man of God, there is death in the pot.” And they were unable to eat. But he said, “Now bring me some meal.” And Elisha threw it into the pot, and said, “Pour it out for the people that they may eat.” Then there was no harm in the pot and they could safely eat and be satisfied.

Now when the men noticed the taste was not right, and there was death in the pot - - So the prophets cried out to the man of God, for only God has the antidote and the means of life. The meal or flour was likened to the bread of life that counteracted the poison that could have caused physical death.

The pictures here are clear enough. The world is full of poisonous ideas and solutions to life. To the untrained, undiscriminating ear and eye, they sound and look good, but they are full of death and misery.  Further, in this picture, we see the believer’s responsibility.  In Jesus Christ and His Word we have the antidote -- the answer to man’s spiritual death and the means of life eternal and life abundantly. John 10:10.

So as we share about Jesus, may we use caution that we are utilizing truth from God's word and that your helps from other sources  line up with the Bible.

One last suggestion;  When you listen to a sermon, or a teaching, it is good to taste test the message; Does it agree with the Bible, and does it satisfy your spiritual hunger for more of God with a good taste of sweetness in your soul?


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