Moving in the Glory

Moving in the Glory

Many today have never experienced a gathering of Christians when the Power of God came down so mightily that there was an actual visible presence of God in their midst.  

In times past, the Glory covered the church and onlookers called the fire department reporting that the church was on fire, but it was the fire of Pentecost.

This kind of glory does not happen at pot luck dinners, church parties, or community meetings, but will occur when God's people repent of their personal secret sins, and seek God's face. Usually the tangible and visible glory of God occurs during a church service, but also the glory often happens in home prayer meetings.

Reading from Ezekiel 47:3-5 "And when the man went out to the east with the line in his hand, he measured one thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the water came up to my ankles. Again he measured one thousand and brought me through the waters; the water came up to my knees. Again he measured one thousand and brought me through; the water came up to my waist. Again he measured one thousand, and it was a river that I could not cross; for the water was too deep, water in which one must swim, a river that could not be crossed."

Joshua Mills in his book; “Moving in Glory Realms;” begins with some definitions of: Atmosphere, Dimension, Glory, Golden Glory, Praise, Realm, Sphere, Worship. I will summarize and edit his thoughts as he defines them:

Atmosphere” where there is a mood and a spiritually cultivation of an environment that is a conducive for the influence of Heaven to affect our spirit, soul and physical well-being. Music, soft lights, candles can help create an atmosphere.

Dimension” Measure in length, width, and thickness, as degrees or levels of spiritual authority.

As we meditate on this description, we will consider that besides height and depth, of God's glory, there is also consistency throughout, so heavy as to be aware of a blanket or presence surrounding the person.

Glory” The Glory is the complete person of God; (Father, Son and Spirit.) This is the Holy of Hollies – the place of His heavenly abode. As we think on this, we must realize that first, God the Father is present and full attention must be placed on Him. Jesus is seated next to the Father and the Spirit hovers over the entire Holy Place. This place is so secret that it takes effort to find it. The complete personage of God must be acknowledged; Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Golden Glory” is a term used for the manifestation of the shekinah glory that visibly appears in physical form, most often as clouds, small dust like particles, but can present it's self in colors or a crystal clean glimmer. Most notable this physical manifestation generally appears on a persons skin, but at other times can also fall through the atmosphere.

Moses experienced this Golden Glory when he spent long periods of time with God and his face would shine so that the people could not look at him. To protect the people, Moses needed to wear a veil to cover his face.

This must have been the Golden glory that struck Saul off his horse and caused him to be blind for a time.

Praise” the act of expressing grateful words or song acknowledging God for what He has done and what He is doing and what He will do. This can be accompanied by dancing, shouting, and corporate celebration music.

Realm” The region, sphere, or domain within which anything occurs, prevails, or dominates. There are three specific spiritual realms; Faith, Anointing and Glory. Each realm contains a dominate theme and specific protocol for access. When speaking of the Glory realm, this is the domain or kingdom of God that contains the fullness of God and all of Heaven's realities.

Sphere” the place of environment within which a person or thing exists; a field of activity or operation. There are many sphere's within realms. Each sphere has it's own limitations, operations and boundaries, but each one can become a gateway to a greater sphere.

Worship” Reverent honor and homage paid to God. Adoring reverence or regard. Worship is acknowledging God for who He is. It is the act of bowing down to reverence His majesty and the spiritual progression from praise.

Breakthrough is coming – When we pray and ask for a breakthrough, we must take time to listen to the instructions the Holy Spirit gives us. This is the key to operating in the anointing.

God is calling us as intercessors to enter into a deeper relationship with Him, and to enter into His Glory Realm in a new and personal experience.

Out prayers over our city, our State and our Nation will have a greater effect on obtaining answers when we intercede from the vantage place of the Holy of Hollies in the Glory of God's presence.

Our citizens are in need of a spiritual experience that will shake their boots, and ours as well. It is the anointing that breaks the yoke of ingrained sin and addiction that is so prevalent in today's world.

Our personal and our collective prayers will accomplish salvation and deliverance for our Nation as a whole as we each in a personal way repent of our own secret sins, and seek God's face to change us first and then to change our world.



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