Who is Jesus? Part 17 (A1) Consider Jesus the Creator
Who is Jesus? Part 17 (A1 ) Consider Jesus the Creator
begins his gospel in chapter one by referring to Jesus as the "Word;"
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He
was in the beginning with God.
John also calls Jesus the creator who made all things and without
him not anything was made.
is reminding us that In Christ Jesus who was Life it's self, is the
one who brings light to men. Jesus is willing to take a person out of
death and darkness and bring them into the Light and life of His
continues to speak about Jesus as the Word saying "and the Word
became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as
of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
is giving testimony that he and others had been physical witnesses of
Jesus and the mighty works that He had done.
we go on, it is important for us to remember that John called Jesus -
God; and that He is "The creator of all things."
Jesus ministered and healed many people, there were multitudes that
surrounded him, pressing and pushing. I am reminded that Jesus would
often retreat to a desert place or a mountain, to rest and pray to
His Father God.
day by the sea as the crowd circled Jesus, he spied two ships as the
fishermen were washing their nets. Jesus asked if he might sit in
one of the boats and they gave permission. This would give him relief
from being poked and pressed upon, but yet he was able to minister
from a safe place.
teaching for several hours, Jesus requested Peter to launch out into
the deep and cast out his net. Peter replied, we have toiled all
night and caught nothing nevertheless at your word we will do this."
men probably realized how ridiculous this was, but again they
decided; "Why not?" So they threw their nets over the side
and suddenly their nets were full of fishes, so full they had to call
others to help them bring the nets in lest they break. Peter, with
James and John the sons of Zebedee and the others with them were
astonished, and Peter fell down at Jesus feet saying, Lord I am a
sinful man. Jesus was all knowing and he was able to see something
great in Peter and the others, so Jesus told them, Don't be afraid,
because from now on you shall become fisher's of men. And they
forsook all and followed Jesus.
we consider what just happened - - and ask how did those fish get
into that net? May I remind you that Jesus is the Creator. Two
things could be what happened. Either Jesus was like a "Fish
Whisperer" and called all the fish to come jump into the net, or
I prefer to believe Jesus created fish from nothing to be placed them
into the net.
being the creator is able to take from your past and create for you a
new future. If you have never done so, today is the day to receive
Jesus into your life and allow him to be your savior and friend. He
will never forsake you or leave you.
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