Breaking Free of a Spirit of Rage – Anger and Control
Personal Testimony by Hazel Irene Moon

It was so explosive – even unexpected, but suddenly like an erupting volcano, from deep inside of me arose a fit of rage, flushing my face, creating a band around my head and in a quick reaction I reached for the closest thing near me to destroy it. I was about 8 or 10 years of age, and the victim was the Sunday funny paper that was quickly torn to shreds.

My dad had forbidden me to go outside and play and told me to sit on the sofa and not to move. I wanted desperately to go outside and play, and sitting was NOT what I desired to do. I mulled over in my thoughts, I hate my dad, he is not being fair, I am so mad at him, and then from the pit of my stomach it began to erupt. I could actually feel it's heat.

The reaction from my dad was also quick, and in a flying leap he jumped first to the kitchen where hung the “belt,” and just as fast he jerked me up and applied his punishment to my back.

Then came the application as to why the beating. He declared, “I did not whip you because I had not read the funny paper, but because you destroyed it in a fit of anger.” He continued, “You must not ever destroy something because you are angry.”

I knew in my heart that was a bunch of hog wash, because I understood the message but also understood that he had not read the funnies, so his reaction was on him. I was silent, but still angry.

I vowed never to forgive him for that beating. The truth was I did deserve a message but the spirit of anger that entered me on that day stayed on and in me for many years.

Now I was a born-again – Holy Spirit filled Christian, a teacher and loving Jesus, God and family. But a Christian can have issues, and emotional problems, as although they are spirits, we do not like to call them as such. The truth is Satan is happy if you consider them to be a part of your personality or YOU.

When I married and the children came along, my anger often enlarged minor offenses into major ones, and the punishment in most cases was undeserved.

One occasion was a family trip we took to a world's fair. On the way home we were all very hungry and so we stopped at a nice fast-food place and ordered hamburgers for all. The hamburgers were great topped with everything and were delicious. My youngest daughter was exclaiming, “Oh this hamburger is Soooo good. I love this hamburger.”

Something snapped inside me and out came the volcano again - - I began to hit her on her back and claim that she was worshiping food and praising it as if it was a god to her.” I think my husband stopped me because things settled down and we continued our meal.

I had almost forgotten this happening until the other day. I deeply regret taking out my anger on my children, but it happened and created hurts in them.

Studying about inner healing, it is said, that often the sins of the parents can become a generational sin.

These are spirits and are not part of you, but they are happy where they are, and they are “Familiar” to you. Sometimes they are even considered family and enjoyed by you.

These spirits are content to stay in your “soul” area and they may not want to leave. After all they have had a good home for a long time.

These spirits are not in your born-again spirit, but they abide in your “Soul” which is your Mind, your Will and your Emotions. They speak to your thoughts and appear to be your friend.

One day, I came across a teaching by Derek Prince about Gaining Freedom from Spirits that bind you.  I went to a private place and made a choice, that I wanted to be FREE from rage.

The first thing was to admit you have a spirit and you truly want to be free.

Then it is important to speak to the spirit naming it and tell it that you do NOT want it anymore.

Then repent for your part in opening the door to allow the spirit to enter.

Next Tell the spirit naming it, tell it to go and to never return in Jesus' name.

Then, replace it by calling forth an opposite spirit to fill the empty space.

Finally forgive the person or any persons involved in the initial entry of the spirit.

Now thank the Lord for giving you freedom.

Continue to ask God, what else is there that needs to go? Then do the same thing for each spirit that is revealed to you by God's Holy Spirit.

In my case, it was fierce anger, hate, and according to the Bible - to hate is the same as murder.

Experimenting with the occult in any way can open a door. Fortune telling, some self-help books, yoga, seances, witchcraft and even so-called good witches. Wedgie boards and Terra cards, small items such as a Buddha or foreign gods. There are spirits of Pornography and sexual spirits that lie, deceive and confuse.

In high school, I had been guilty of participating in a table tapping game with some girl scouts and it seemed fun, but it was dangerous. I had to repent and tell the spirit of witchcraft and fortune telling to go.

Naming these spirits one by one and telling them to leave and calling an opposite spirit to take its place is extremely important.

I am not a perfect person, but I was never the same after that time of renouncing Satan and his works. This deliverance was over 40 years ago, and it is still good for today.

God has forgiven me, and it is my desire to help others gain freedom from trauma that has opened the door to extreme grief, depression, anger, fear, bitterness and addictions - - all of which can cause and create physical disease and illness. Not all illness is due to a spirit, but much certainly is.

Jesus asked a man who appeared to be desiring to be healed. “Do you want to be made whole?

That is the first question you must ask yourself. “Do I want to be made whole?”

The next question you must ask yourself is: “What am I willing to do to work with Jesus to obtain my freedom?”


  1. This is a perfect life experience and a wonderful message of renewal.


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