Who Is Jesus? Chapter 59 - - The Holy Spirit is Given

Who Is Jesus? Chapter 59 - - The Holy Spirit is Given After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to many of his followers over a period of 40 days, proving it was really him and that he was truly risen from the dead. Jesus gave them understanding of the Prophesies from the scriptures, about his birth, life, death and resurrection. Jesus then instructed them to wait for the Promise of the Holy Spirit that the prophets had proclaimed, and that they were to go forth in His name, with boldness, in power, preaching, teaching, healing the sick, and casting out evil spirits. As Jesus departed from them in a cloud ascending into heaven, angels proclaimed this same Jesus that you see going up into heaven shall one day return in glory as you have seen him go up. So, in obedience to Jesus, His followers went to Jerusalem to wait and pray, in an upper room with about 120 others including Mary the mother of Jesus and his brothers. It was the time of the Jewish Feast of Harv...