Who are You Really?


Who are You Really? 
(Today's message was gleaned from a teaching by Rev. Bethany Hicks)

The disciples of Jesus were rowing hard against the storm, and were frightened when Jesus came to them walking on the water. A few hours prior they had witnessed a great miracle when a small lunch of bread and fish was multiplied to feed over 5000 persons, now they saw Jesus walking on the water toward them as they frantically rowed trying to keep their boat afloat. You will remember that Peter said, “If it is really you, tell me to come to you,” and Jesus said, “come.” Peter stepped out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus, but suddenly Peter realized this was impossible, and his faith failed and he began to sink. He cried out to Jesus for help, and Jesus reached out and lifted him up and together they walked on the water to arrive at the boat safely.   Jesus spoke to the storm to be still and all was quiet, and immediately the boat with all of them in it was transported to the other side of the lake.  Amazing as this was to the disciples, they were terrified, and asked Jesus; “Who are you really?”

There are times we need to shore up our identify and know who we are. Who are YOU really?

In today's society there is an identity crisis. It is taught in our schools, that it is cool to be gay - - - and many children are following the crowd, not certain of their gender. There is a spirit of confusion alive.

The enemy knows that your identity is your eternal future, and it is imperative that we understand who we are as believers and how to operate in the Holy Spirit gifts that are available to us all.

We live in a unique time as parents, grandparents, intercessors and prophets, we need to be responsible for answers and solutions for the problems of our generation.

There is nothing more powerful than a Born-Again Believer Standing Tall, knowing who they ARE.

A practical Key to discovering who you are is to understand the importance for God to reveal to you Who Jesus is?

Matthew 16:16-19 Jesus said to the disciples, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.  And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Who do you say that Jesus is?

Second it is important to know who God says you are. Who are YOU? 

 Not who you think you are or who you should be, but who God says you ARE.  How Does God Identify you? How does God address you as? What name does God call you by?

Your identity reveals your destiny. What you believe about your identity will cause the way you walk.

The Children of Israel saw themselves as grasshoppers. Moses saw himself as not equipped and not able. Gideon saw himself as least (not good enough.)

Let us consider three access points to discover our identify:

1.  Find out what family you belong to. (What is your last name?)

Our last name connects us to a family. Let us think about a spiritual name - - I AM A - - -

a. Child of God, (we are citizens of heaven.)

b. Co-heirs with Christ - (whatever Jesus has - - is yours.)
c. New Creation - (I am not the same person I once was - - I am new the old is gone.)

(We are the light of the world and that is what we do, we bring light to others.)

      1. Our first name of our identity creates a “Mind-Set.” How to do see yourself?

You may be called to be a teacher, a prophet, a pastor, or even a helper, but it is a calling, and God has equipped you. You might consider your first name to be one of these; Adored, Chosen, Accepted in the beloved, Bold, Courageous, Confident, Dependable, Beloved, gentle, kind, merciful, gracious.

You are different, you are not strange, but you are different and thus your daily walk is not like that of the world and its system. Your speech and your motives are no longer carnal, but you are a sent one ready to proclaim good news about the kingdom of God.

Your new mind-set is to fulfill the Lord's Prayer - May God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

No longer are we looking for a “Break-Through” - YOU are the break-through.

Sometimes it is true, we don't “feel” equipped. Then it is time to remind yourself WHO you ARE.

Prophesy is a discovery as to who you are, and there is power in the spiritual Name you give yourself.

Your identification reveals your authority and responsibility, your destiny and your legacy.

A name speaks as to who you are. Sometimes we may require a New Name, a Name Change.

Jesus said, “No longer do I call you servants, now I call you friends, because I share with you.

You are No longer "Rejected" but you are "Accepted in the Beloved"

A new name brings New Authority, and new responsibility.

Revelation 2:17 Mentions that God gives us a New name, a prophetic name.

What name has God given you? Don't change the name God gives you. 
And - - - Do Not - - 
Do not allow someone else to rename you!!

We are called to stand in the gap. We are called to be a bold speaker of prophetic truth, and a bold and courageous intercessor over our city our State, our Nation, and over our families.

Let us go forward in Jesus' Name.


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