Who are You Really?

Who are You Really? (Today's message was gleaned from a teaching by Rev. Bethany Hicks) The disciples of Jesus were rowing hard against the storm, and were frightened when Jesus came to them walking on the water. A few hours prior they had witnessed a great miracle when a small lunch of bread and fish was multiplied to feed over 5000 persons, now they saw Jesus walking on the water toward them as they frantically rowed trying to keep their boat afloat. You will remember that Peter said, “If it is really you, tell me to come to you,” and Jesus said, “come.” Peter stepped out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus, but suddenly Peter realized this was impossible, and his faith failed and he began to sink. He cried out to Jesus for help, and Jesus reached out and lifted him up and together they walked on the water to arrive at the boat safely. Jesus spoke to the storm to be still and all was quiet, and immediately the boat with all of them in ...