Instant Fire Cider - - Good For a sore Throat or bad cold.
Fire Cider Instant For a sore Throat or bad cold. Here’s the recipe (makes 8 oz): DOUBLE the RECIPE for 16 oz 1/3 cup Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar. 1/3 cup lemon juice or the juice of 2 lemons. 1 teaspoon ground cayenne. 1 teaspoon ground ginger. 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric. Pinch of cracked black pepper. 1/3 cup of raw honey Directions (I use a glass 2 or 4 cup Pyrex measuring cup to mix it) Add lemon juice, vinegar, and spices to your jar Add honey to bring up to 8 ounces. Stir until honey dissolves. Funnel ingredients into a small glass jar (like a mason jar or glass bottle) Shake well to mix before each use. Store in the refrigerator It can last several weeks in the refrigerator, but you will likely use it all up over the duration of your cold. Shake before each use, as the ground spices settle. Large Fresh lemons are best. When severely congested, take 1 teaspoon every 15 minutes for an hour then switch to...